Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Uccidere o sacrificare?

the starting point is taken from Sir Gauwin and the Green Knight , then we refer to the Breton cycle and chivalrous atmosphere of the court of King Arthur and the Holy Grail cherche .

M. Galvin, the wonder of Camelot, the challenge launched by a mysterious knight, dressed, he and his horse, all green, just when his King Arthur's Court is about the festive dinner of the year. The Green Knight put to the test all the cavalry gathered asking who had the courage to behead him, made sure that the past one year the same would have suffered the same fate at his hands. M. Galvin, therefore, accept the challenge, though the might of the Green Knight leaves no doubt that would keep his word.

head tumbles. The Green Knight picks it up and makes an appointment there for one year. Then, as the courage dimostato by Gawain, the Green Knight does not require that supreme sacrifice.

We see first of all, entering just a little bit in the symbolism of the story behind the charm of a distinguished teacher as AK Coomaraswamy (1), note that the Green Knight far from dying, as one might expect from a head-on, continues his life as if nothing had happened.
This simple fact forces us to reflect. The text is clearly oblivious to the historical and realistic concerns. The fantastic breaks in the text. Scandalously. Headless continues his life.
The head of Orpheus continues to sing after being torn from the body. More subdued, even at addiruttura by decapitation St. Paul's symbolic language, as its usually makes a mockery, of historicism. It almost seems that the rationalistic interpretations are a stretch or eccentricity. Unless ...
Unless you want to blindly castle on the modernist dogma that there is only what one sees and touches, historically and empirically verifiable. And to defend these positions, you must provide explanations irrational, pre-logical primitive and savage for those people "not advanced" who lived in the grip of prejudice, easily the most imaginative and childish imaginations in the face of phenomena that could not explain. But in reality, did not bother to Speg. They were not interested in the narrowness of visioni empiriche dei moderni.
Si pensi quanto questo pregiudizio modernista abbia nuociuto quando, a partire dal primo Ottocento, filosofi e persino teologi vollero passare al vaglio della 'critica storicistica'. Ovviamente i fatti miracolosi delle molteplici vite di Gesù, le Lebens Jesus . La mannaia materialistica si abbattè con conseguenze nefaste che ancora oggi si possono toccare con mano. Il prevalesere dell' "uomo" sul "dio", sta deturpando un'antica fede religiosa in una specie di multinazionale del bonismo incapace di orientarsi negli antichi orizzonti metafisici. Infine il Concilio Vaticano II, come una pietra tombale, sancisce la definitiva perdita del piano salvifico trascendente a tutto favore di una immanenza history. Pastors
lost, the crude disarray.

Instead we should focus primarily, if not only, aspects of 'strange', fantastic, where the poetry and the soul of so many is condensed in a single hearing. The head of Orpheus continues her song, well beyond death. Why?
The head of St. Paul's bouncing on the site of his martyrdom, to touch the ground gives rise to three sources. S. Pauli Apostoli martyria locus ubi tres fontes mirabiliter eruperunt ".

The three sources are still visible today, within a church.

The theme of decapitation may refer to the primary sacrifice. The sacrifice is the that it returns only the lives, regenerates, restores it. This explains the decapitated far from dying, in fact reached a new stage. One stage of reintegration divine man in his earthly pilgrimage in the many, or rather lost is lost in a progressive departure from the original source, from the only true and authentic life expectancy for the financial man.
"... the Vedic sacrifice is highly magical. The victim ensures - Filippani-Ronconi, Pio writes - the communication between the profane world of 'facts' of the sacred and the 'energy', and the sacrificer is referred to as" this brave deadly ". The killing in the name of God, a responsibility to evoke God's name in vain.
" In dispute - the mystic poet Rumi wrote in his Diwan - including the sensitive soul and selfishness which holds high the head is said: "The meaning of beheading is killing the soul and extinguish the fire in his holy war ( Jihad ) ».

In the sacrifice of the Ego dies materiality. It burns in a silent war within, much harsher, outside of any combat, external stillness of meditation, in a battle without respite, he burns the penalty to exist, the penalty of having left the place of Being.

Was it a case. But a few nights ago, the Tracciolino we had dinner in good company with friends. In the silent and dark night, alone, surrounded by spirits for, we were ready to share. something of our own, inherent to the life we \u200b\u200bchose, in the mountains, away from the glittering multitude of the plains. On the table set, made a good impression a strong cock well cooked.

have been waiting for the inner and outer strength, struggling to reach the reasons to kill, gut, and cibarci of our farm animals. A life is a life. It involves blood stain the soil of sin and cruelty. Then, we realized that could be sacrificed to restore lost harmony. We could not have cibarcene isolation. We had share it with friends spirits, ghosts who hope to walk the same road. How to feed a single spirit, which gives rise to brothers. And kill that rooster was what should have been a moment of priesthood that has protected us from the dangers of an event edible and pleasure-seeking and an end in itself, it has magically protected in an agape "mountain reactionary" gathered around a common dream.

That evening was not a normal dinner, there was invisible, sitting between us, Harmony.

(1) Sir Gawin and the Green Knight , Adelphi Edizioni.


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