Saturday, January 29, 2011

Do I Need A Fan In The Kitchen

Per non dimenticare.

is recommended to those who are faint memory of a cure for phosphorus, but they suffer more than
amnesia about the Holocaust in Gaza or parts of Tel Aviv?

care of fosforo bianco israeliano somministrato ai civili di Gaza due anni fa:


Mentre il Ministro Alfano promette che altre brutalità se dimenticate siano perseguite a norma di legge.

Segnalo anche l'ottimo articolo di Marcello Veneziani su "Il Giornale" in cui tra le altre cose si chiede allora perche' non carcerare chi nega il genocidio degli armeni e quello dei pellerossa.

Una legge liberticida e sbagliatissima, quando mai le historical truths are taken away from the debate and the scientific comparison and accurate to the law? Why should there be a legal interpretation of the Risorgimento and the French Revolution or the October and punish divergent hypotheses? The witch hunt goes in comparison to a question by amateurs!
Obscurantism total, in a society which would forbid forbidden, forbidden to forbid ...

With this principle one could not even discuss how many dead Americans have done to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a total madness brought forth only through the influence of the Jewish lobby (oh excuse me I'm wrong, the Jewish lobby does not exist and 'only' invention of the usual anti-Semitic, and 'clear that the community Jewish or not they have absolutely no representation in politics nor in finance and in the cultural ...).

Even by the Jewish community, not everyone seems to agree, Sergio Minerbi, a professor at the University of Haifa and a former Israeli ambassador in Brussels, said: "Many young people can fall into the denial without understanding what they're talking, instead of better explain criminalize. "

explain and compare ideas from Socrates on, even schoolchildren know ...


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