published on Gazzettino January 7, 2011
is beautiful, moving and meaningful letter that Antonio Miotto, 24, Corporal of the mountain of Julia, who was killed Dec. 21 in an armed conflict fire with an armed Taliban Gazzettino wrote to a couple of months before he died. In the letter to this young man has everything Venetian pride for their roots and the pride of belonging to the body of the mountain, but there is also awareness that the same pride in their roots, their traditions, their way to be, to live and die, belongs also to the enemy, not only to the Afghans in general but also the Taliban. Matthew writes: "These people have managed to preserve their roots, after leading the armies, the largest armies marched on their homes, in vain. The essence of the Afghan people are living, their traditions are repeated unchanged, we can assume wrong, archaic, but for thousands of years have remained unchanged. People who are born, live and die for the sake of their roots, their land and it feeds on. Then you realize that this strange people from strange habits sometimes has something to also teach us ".
Just because it is proud of its roots, the young Matt understands that this feeling can be owned and belongs to other people, for other people to defend them is willing to fight and die.
The rulers of the Western countries that have occupied for ten years in Afghanistan have refused to understand what the young Matthew, with its strong roots, with its strong values, not far away, when you call pride, pride, available at sacrifice, even extreme, than those of the Afghan people, he understood perfectly.
old arid
you do not deserve.
Accept my tears
father of pain.
PS: I will not comment - do not intend to endorse exploitation of part, at least on this occasion - but I hope that we can learn a lesson not to forget. Infidel is one who plays with the blood of their heroes on Justice and not later.
Both photos were disseminated by the agency Ansa: the one with the tricolor Republican 15:51, 31 December, the one with the flag of Savoy at 22:04 on January 1. This is clearly the same photo and the original è quella con lo stemma monarchico.
La foto senza alcun simbolo era stata inviata dall'Esercito ai mezzi di comunicazione nelle ore immediatamente successive l'attentato del 31 dicembre, mentre quella con il simbolo sabaudo è stata fornita il giorno dopo all'agenzia Ansa dal papà di Matteo Miotto.
As a rare star
drop of hope you sacrificed your flower
for us old arid
you do not deserve.
Accept my tears
father of pain.
PS: I will not comment - do not intend to endorse exploitation of part, at least on this occasion - but I hope that we can learn a lesson not to forget. Infidel is one who plays with the blood of their heroes on Justice and not later.
Both photos were disseminated by the agency Ansa: the one with the tricolor Republican 15:51, 31 December, the one with the flag of Savoy at 22:04 on January 1. This is clearly the same photo and the original è quella con lo stemma monarchico.
La foto senza alcun simbolo era stata inviata dall'Esercito ai mezzi di comunicazione nelle ore immediatamente successive l'attentato del 31 dicembre, mentre quella con il simbolo sabaudo è stata fornita il giorno dopo all'agenzia Ansa dal papà di Matteo Miotto.
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