Thursday, January 27, 2011

1st Birthday Tutu Outfits

ALESSANDRO D'Avena on political fact of these days and the look of


" What the boys think or say everything that is happening in Italy in now? . It sounds so demand that journalists often ask me, since I'm lucky to get in touch with many young people. So I was asked for this item.

disappoint you now: "The boys do not say anything." The guys with whom I'm in class, the kids who write to me after reading my book or follow my blog, do not care about this country's sesquicentennial. Yes they do not care. The fall of ideologies has led to a profound gap between what young people and politics, but the chasm is now expanded from one thing to be big brother politics reduced to newspapers and TV.

The guys who write me asking questions about the meaning of life: for what is worthwhile gamble that time they have available, whether there is any hope of the future, if you can love forever, if God exists, if the pain makes sense ... I mean the guys and try to ask what really matters: the sense of things. Do not care about the ruby, because they are still at an age where there is an illusion that can be themselves and to get ahead in life does not need to give it away. And I contribute, on the prof, this grand illusion, a thousand euro per month. Their naive, they delude themselves that there is something for which their lives and, frightened, asking if they still exist, even willing to travel to find him. And I flatter them by telling them that yes, there.

Some relatives of the ruby \u200b\u200b

involved in the events encourage their daughters or sisters to give away just to have a guaranteed future, while putting up a few thousand euro. Sins of the fathers are visited upon the children, someone said, and he was right. If they see them, not me.

The boys do not care about the world's small and ugly that we are building them. Do not care for two reasons: either because they already belong or because they want something different. The first security and the future but do not want to sell themselves, the latter are willing to take risks if we have a future, also giving up the security on the cheap ...

Calvin said that there are two ways not to suffer the hell in which we are immersed : "The first is easy for many: accept the inferno and become a party to the point of no longer see it. The second is risky and demands constant vigilance and apprehension: seek and learn to recognize who and what, in the middle of hell, is not hell, then make them endure, give them space. "

Here are the new heroes to be supported, financed by the deluded, not to let those willing to recommend, those not willing to give it away, those willing to work hard. You can find them, especially among those who face life with hope, youth. But as they enter the adult world than give up their illusions of heroic hope, even their parents encourage them to take the easy way. But someone said: "The Violent Bear It Away", not of sloth. And I would add also the land belongs to those who have the courage to do violence against themselves so as not to come to terms with the mediocrity of those who sell. For the kids we have this courage, whatever the cost. Maybe it will not save the country, but the dignity yes, at least that.

Il Giorno, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione , Tuesday, January 25, 2010


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