Taizé: in the cold winter has started a new year of meetings
Home February, young people who help organize the meetings in Taizé have had the opportunity to explore together the three themes of Letter from Chile: joy, compassion and forgiveness. After an introduction given by a brother, have allowed small groups to share with each other and pursuing a personal reflection.
Although the winter persists on the hill, the number of young, week after week, is increasing . Some high school and Belgian students, young Poles and Czechs were in the last few weeks. In passing, a priest from New York originally from Kerala conducted a meeting on the theme in Christian this region to the south of India, highlighting the multicultural origins of language is that of liturgical music.
During the last seven weeks of January took place the annual council of the brethren. It ended with a prayer during which the brothers committed for life renewed their profession prostrate on the ground to express their offering to God Many people from the region came for the occasion. Brother Alois, prayed with these words: "In this time when for many across the world, the worries for the future become stronger, and when the Church is shaken, you open it one way: that deepen a contemplative life. So we will be more and more brothers of those who are entrusted to us by God. "
And in January, the Sisters of St. Andrea who work the reception in Taizé for more than 40 years have elected their new superior general at Ramegnies-Chin, Belgium: Sr. Agnes Dinorah happens Sr. who lived in Taizé for many years and has participated in the reception of young people.
Brother Pierre-Etienne (1922-2011)
On January 19, Brother Pierre-Etienne died at the age of 88 years. Sick for many years, had recently been hospitalized. Being able to return home Jan. 18 was the last joy for him, and surrounded by brothers died in his sleep the next morning. Born in Lyon, he attended the secondary school in Grenoble, and later studied theology at the Protestant Faculty of Montpellier. He was ordained pastor for the Reformed Church of France in 1952, and he was given a parish in Algeria. He subsequently became the brother of Taizé and remained for a time in Algeria, where some brothers were already living in the community. He acquired a good knowledge of Islam, he worked in the engraving workshop of the community for years that has created some very beautiful pieces. A man of great culture, was a poet and has collaborated in the new edition of the hymn book of French Protestantism " Our hearts will sing. " He has published numerous poems.
Bible text commented: Winning the evil with good
Paul wrote: "Bless those who persecute you, bless and curse not. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep; have the same feelings towards each other ... "(Romans 12, 14-21)
Epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul makes her one of the lessons the most famous of Jesus, love their enemies (cf. Mt 5.43, Lk 6:27). Just like Jesus, Paul asks an attitude of goodwill toward all, an attitude that goes as far as to love those who do not want it: "Bless those who persecute you" (v. 14)
This benevolence is reflected through communion with the joys and sorrows of others: "Rejoice with those who rejoice ..." (v. 15)
Chile, the pilgrimage of trust continues ...
The 8000 young people, most Latin American countries, North America, but also of Europe, who attended the meeting in Santiago of Chile are divided with a question: how to continue live in our daily lives what we have understood the Gospel through this stage of the pilgrimage of trust?
In late February two brothers of the community will return As in Chile during the preparation of the meeting, will live in a neighborhood of Santiago. They will share their lives with the poor, will have a common prayer three times a day. With some young people in the capital and other regions of the country will endeavor to continue as the pilgrimage of trust. Two meetings of prayer and reflection were established: 4 and March 12 ...
Meeting in Rotterdam: 'The party is over, but the legacy remains. "
Sunday, January 16, more than a thousand people Laurenskerk gathered in the largest church in Rotterdam, for a prayer of thanksgiving for the pilgrimage of trust in the Netherlands. The joy and gratitude for this wonderful meeting Europe was clearly visible on the faces of the participants. The brothers thanked for their cooperation to the authorities, churches and all those who helped prepare this event, as the thousands of families who welcomed the participants in their homes. A special memory was made at the local "stuurgroep" , the brothers who helped organize the central match. The presence of thirty thousand people in Rotterdam for five days has left the seeds of confidence and even joy of compassion and forgiveness: the three words that were written in large characters in the de Sportpaleis Ahoy and summarize the Letter from Chile . Each was invited to be responsible for these seeds and continue the pilgrimage of faith in daily life at personal, family and church ...
February 2011: a brother will travel to Portugal
In February 2010, a youth gathering brought together more than six thousand participants in the city of Porto, for a leg of the pilgrimage of trust on earth. This pilgrimage to the sources of joy and won an impetus for young people from thirty parishes host, who later developed a large number of local initiatives of prayer and sharing. To celebrate the first anniversary of this meeting will be held a prayer February 19 in Trinity Church, the largest of the city.
France: Two events in Paris
Church of St. Eustace, Paris, Friday, March 11, 2011 at 20h00
vigil of reconciliation entitled "In the heart of Paris, time of forgiveness", at the invitation of the church S.Eustachio-Les Halles
At 20h00, the prayer with the songs of Taizé in the context the "Courtyard of the Gentiles", an initiative to promote exchanges and dialogue between believers and unbelievers with the patronage of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. On 25
evening in front of Notre Dame, there will be a party open to all, especially young people, called "In the courtyard of the unknown" artistic creations, music, scenery, stage lights and reflection.
Simultaneously, the cathedral of Paris will open a vigil of prayer and reflection the presence of fr. Alois. For those who come from far there will be an opportunity to be staying in Paris for a night.
Switzerland: Meeting in Lucerne, Thursday, March 17, 2011
At 18h15, fr. Alois donate at the church of the Jesuits a conference on the theme: "The passion for the unity of the Body of Christ."
Later alle 19h45 ci sarà una preghiera nella stessa chiesa.
Pellegrinaggio di fiducia a Vienna: 18 e 19 marzo 2011
Fr. Alois e altri fratelli saranno a Vienna , in Austria, nel marzo 2011 per una preghiera della sera ed un incontro di giovani nel contesto del pellegrinaggio di fiducia.
Venerdì 18 marzo 2011, una preghiera seguita dall’adorazione della croce avrà luogo presso la Konzilsgedächtniskirche , chiesa parrocchiale di Vienna-Lainz. Questa preghiera, che è anche una veglia spirituale per i partecipanti al simposio sul Cardinale König, è aperta a tutti. La prepareranno i giovani di Vienna e del vicinato.
Sabato 19 marzo sarà una giornata per i giovani e i giovani adulti dai 14 ai 29 anni: “Andare alle sorgenti della fede”, con preghiere, introduzioni bibliche, una condivisione in piccoli gruppi e diversi incontri a tema nelle parrocchie del decanato.
I giovani dei paesi vicini, Ungheria, Slovacchia, Repubblica Ceca potranno passare la notte del venerdì in un semplice alloggio a Vienna.
In America del Nord
Un fratello sarà in Canada nel marzo-aprile 2011. Il martedì 29 marzo, parteciperà a una preghiera presso l’Università De Paul a Chicago .
Video con frère Roger: «La benevolenza costruisce in voi»
To emphasize the 70 years of Taizé and 5 from the death of Fr. Roger, an extract from an unpublished interview with Brother Roger got in line at the beginning of each month from Easter 2011. The series continues in 2011 with a new interview: "The goodwill built up in you" .
Prayer Jesus Christ, your passion for the gospel opens us to lose. And when we entertain in front of you, then returns with our lives and those of others, the humble prayer of faith leads us to trust.
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