Machinery and blood.
Remember the mechanism? The statue of Condillac? D'Holbach, Helvetius, Condorcet, and many others? The bones as levers, electrical conductors such as tendons, muscles, ropes and levers, the heart as a pump? The kidney, a filter. The blood and veins? A hydraulic system!
materialistic orgy sweeps away every trace of the sacred. Materialism, with wit of those who are accustomed a'spaccare hairs' is called 'vulgar'. The aim was to distinguish it from the much more meritorious in the eyes of the modern mind, and can become consubstantial element, one that expression. Essential characteristic, machines to produce machines. It is not surprising that modern man does not remain contaminated. These scientists were predominantly nobles and abbots, who had completely lost them their traditional functions. In practice, contributed materially to saw the branch on which they were sitting still.
The idea of \u200b\u200bscience and scientific concepts gives them an aura neutral and aseptic. Surgery. Adjective often associated with bombings and the bombing. Yeah, sure. But also to the slaughterhouses, which in all wars, is, undoubtedly, one to the 'one way'. It can, and should discuss the concept of just war (and therefore holy) - it was a normal chapter in medieval theology, S. Thomas, for instance, there has efforts on energy - became a taboo subject irenicism fanatic dominant and ecumenical, but the war of slaughterhouses and rivers of blood that causes cruel, is the most unjust and unjustifiable, the most degrading to the human being. Its victims to pieces, put them in a dish, and refined habit, makes plea for sophisticated diversions of scientific debate, between gastronomy and nutrizionistico.
The idea of \u200b\u200bscience and scientific concepts gives them an aura neutral and aseptic. Surgery. Adjective often associated with bombings and the bombing. Yeah, sure. But also to the slaughterhouses, which in all wars, is, undoubtedly, one to the 'one way'. It can, and should discuss the concept of just war (and therefore holy) - it was a normal chapter in medieval theology, S. Thomas, for instance, there has efforts on energy - became a taboo subject irenicism fanatic dominant and ecumenical, but the war of slaughterhouses and rivers of blood that causes cruel, is the most unjust and unjustifiable, the most degrading to the human being. Its victims to pieces, put them in a dish, and refined habit, makes plea for sophisticated diversions of scientific debate, between gastronomy and nutrizionistico.
The European Community has introduced a certificate to ensure the least possible suffering to animals at slaughter. The Council of Ministers of the European Union reached agreement on the new regulation that affects the welfare of animals, which provides more stringent rules for slaughterhouses, including the appointment of an expert on animal welfare and a special certification for workers of the slaughterhouse.
We delirium of rational despotism. In other words: let's also death, and profusion, on an industrial scale, but with care, delicacy and feeling, all bow down Americanism of political correctness. Nothing more irreverent, blasphemous and hypocritical ways of these 'civilized' reasoning. 'Outraged special' when it comes to condemning bullfighting, an ancient rite, bullfighting, unforgivable to beautiful souls contemporary, very willing to look the other way or to give explanations quotidino faced extermination of millions of beings.
Rationalism here shows its true face, cold, merciless, inexorable. One would say, irrational.
Rationalism here shows its true face, cold, merciless, inexorable. One would say, irrational.
Frankenstein, a relative of the Golem, in fact is composed of parts dismembered and sewn together with the 'wisdom' scary science. Satanic wisdom.
Then, our enlightened West has the courage and audacity to blame the religious sacrifice because, they say, is opposed to the stunning estimate. More than a sincere feeling, it seems rather a new way to fulfill its anti-traditional, in opposition to those civilizations and religions that problem even if the pose of this imbalance, this chaos, disharmony that involves the killing, those who have not forgotten civilization, noble and inherently conservative.
No form of sacrifice traditional forms never reach those depths of cynicism of the massacre industrialized slaughterhouses.
Who has not heard before allimmagine skeleton of an Indian: "Ah, die of hunger with the cows that roam the street (so to speak, but ignorance)!"
And we also feel the phrase, very modern, a mo 'to lament, "cost to go through reactionary!"
Instead, there is an answer and, in spite of everything, keeps us alive.
No form of sacrifice traditional forms never reach those depths of cynicism of the massacre industrialized slaughterhouses.
Who has not heard before allimmagine skeleton of an Indian: "Ah, die of hunger with the cows that roam the street (so to speak, but ignorance)!"
And we also feel the phrase, very modern, a mo 'to lament, "cost to go through reactionary!"
We believe it is due to a recall, to put emphasis on words - so important in our society, that of the communication - and when it seems necessary, bring them back to their true meaning and true, let us that case, always the same old (neither modern, of course, but not 'old'). Reactionary is that way of seeing things that do not stand up and maltollera God's Law, Law eternal, immutable, and therefore the change, the 'best', and invents progress. The innovation is in fact the supreme insult went in that Act, tabled in the tradition of the ancient and noble civilization, in their sacred texts in their social organizations.
The Progressive is the worst of the reactionaries, because this law seems to him intolerable, unbearable. The future that you imagine, ie the time required for development, the unfolding of 'progress', the future, the worst of his lies. This future does not exist, and there the future in general.
stopped our gaze into the eyes of this macaque. Let us pause, even if it is painful. We investigate this abyss of confusion and pain, this imposibilità to respond, to understand ... The Progressive is the worst of the reactionaries, because this law seems to him intolerable, unbearable. The future that you imagine, ie the time required for development, the unfolding of 'progress', the future, the worst of his lies. This future does not exist, and there the future in general.
Instead, there is an answer and, in spite of everything, keeps us alive.
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