Friday, February 11, 2011

Denise Milani Inactive

"Ombre Rosse" e l'ombra di Sion.

Dedicated to Indio,
the purity of her feelings for those people.

We are in the early nineteenth century New England when those lands that are intended to accommodate the largest world power in the twentieth century. were still impressive and extensive extensions of rich people who love their traditions surrounded by majestic scenery and natural phenomena, there lived a certain Solomon Spalding. Presbyterian minister who left his ministry to give themselves to trade.
He failed as a merchant, but the failure led him to revive its finances, writing a book in biblical style, entitled The manuscript found . But his intentions are revealed once again unfortunate, since he could not find a publisher and died before the book saw the light.
The argument of the book concerns "the history of North American Indians" as it were, for us today may seem curious when the thing, "described as the descendants of the Patriarch Joseph was a long account of their wars and their supposed migration, from the time of Zedekiah, King of the Jews, until the fifth century of the Christian era. "Opera of several reporters who had followed, the last of which he thought Finally, to hide everything in a closet beneath the earth. And hence the title of this historical and fictional works that connected the Native American peoples with the Jewish world.
It calls to mind the famous fiction of the rediscovered manuscript of manzioniana Fermo and Lucia . Cervantes also makes use of the discovery and subsequent translation, of a mysterious manuscript of a reporter; manuscript written in Arabic in which they are told the story of the knight Don Quixote.
Artifice halfway between the habit and an unconscious desire for literary prestige and give prestige to the narrative and back-dating 'Poggio' on a 'historical', although unlikely, the trick has always been in the literary, cultured, resulting in 'shooting' type of cultural, philosophical, pictorial, and more recently, films. We dare say, without significant consequences in practice. This was not the case of our Salomon Spalding and North American Indians. Found from the ingenious invention of literary taste, if given the practical consequences of such a powerful influence on the course of Western history, then it becomes a false and sensational makes the story worth being told.
"... It 's questionable - Rene Guenon writes, which is what we have exposed here ( The Demiurge and Other Essays , Adelphi, 2007, p.. 220) - where the idea came to him [Spalding] spontaneously or was suggested by someone else, because he was certainly not the only one to investigate what had happened to the ten lost tribes of Israel and to try to solve the problem in its own way. " Before you
Spalding had arrived at the beginning of '600, the famous Pilgrim Fathers, and other pseudo-religious groups, Congregationalists, Puritans and others, whether created a disorderly groups in an archipelago north of the Alps following the so-called "Reform" in the already diverse world while 'Protestant' European, who is not satisfied with the chaos introduced unsurpassed and dramatic breakdown of the unity of Western Christendom, so painstakingly built, 'protest' - has to be said - even as they were against putting things in Protestant churches national.
"When the religious spirit in England began to decline, as in the lukewarm Laodicea, and instead of completely purified from popery, he consented to it further, not only vain and idolatrous ceremonies, as well as desecrating the Sabbath ..." Curious that so-called Christians demands that we move ahead we expect more from Israel. "... Christ creates a New England to gather its forces first" (E. Johnson, Wonder-working Providence of Sion's Saviaour in New England, London 1654;). He also wrote Cotton Mather, another colonic pseudo-religious leader, in Magnalia Christi Americana of 1702 "... His Divine Providence, and radiation over a desert in India." A "desert" desert was not at all.

These 'Protestants of the Protestants', on appeal, therefore, he posed as the wave of rationalism and individualism of the more advanced Western European new culture arose from the rubble of the Middle Ages. The spearhead of subversion anti-traditional: indeed the balance of conflict, apparently theological, between the Old and New Testaments altro non pareva che un utile strumento, utile alle manovre politiche di separazione, desiderosi com'erano di staccarsi dall' Inghilterra per mettersi a commerciare in proprio. Il Nuovo Continente sembrava offrire ottime potenzialità. E quindi sia le 'Nuove Inghilterre' ( New England . poi diventerà uno stato) e 'Nuovi Israeli' spuntavano come funghi, mentre l'Europa, senza neppure accorgersene, andava irrimediabilmente perdendo la sua centralità in Occidente e infine addirittura, e le vicende storiche lo hanno confermato - il Novecento come il Secolo Americano - si sarebbe rivoltato contro.
Quindi, lungi dall'essere frutto di fanatismo religioso, come spesso accade o si preferisce spiegare, altro was not that the form of the source business system and unscrupulous, ruthless to the maximum, for the times, so as not scruple to make the people who originally populated the continent. A ethnocide forgotten. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day expressed clearly one-way, common destiny and bitter for both "Indian" and for Europe. The arguments are, in fact, due to low trade issues, greed, material well-hidden behind a language of theological criticism, but it is clear to everyone what the true metaphysics, by its very definition, is the real effort to go beyond the mundane. How can we forget the warning of the Master, "My kingdom is not of this world"?

"In 1825 a Jew of Portuguese origin, Mordecai Manuel Noah, a former U.S. Consul to Tunis, he bought an island called Grand Island, situated on the Niagara River, and launched a program that urged all his fellow Jews to settle on that 'island, which he named Ararat. " Noah (Noah) he showed little insight, both in the choice of the name given to the island, Ararat is the biblical name of the mountain on which they deposited the Ark after the Flood, the idea is quite contrary to the spirit of the sock and '' wandering jew ', of going to settle on an island, to' isolate '. In fact, the whole project failed. But it is interesting to note that they were invited a partecipare al progetto anche i capi Indiani, in qualità di discendenti delle tribù disperse di Israele, anch'essi dovevano trovare rifudio nel nuovo Ararat.
Non si è a conoscenza del fatto che Noah e Spalding si conoscessero. Ma, sta di fatto, che l'episodio narrato si colloca solo cinque anni dopo la fondazione del Mormonismo.
Il Manoscritto di Spalding si concludeva con l'opera dell'ultimo presunto cronista della Diaspora indiana, un certo Mormon.
Joseph Smith, un individuo mezzo visionario e mezzo truffaldino, nonchè fondatore del Mormonismo, ne entrò in possesso tramite S. Rigdon dodici anni dopo la morte di Spalding. Si ipotizza che fosse stato trafugato da a printing press. The fact is that the people closest to Spalding's widow, brother and a co-worker saw in the Book of Mormon a kind of blatant plagiarism of Manuscript . The official version is different, of course. It speaks of angelic guides, tablets of gold, written in hieroglyphics, and even the discovery of luminescent stones that were brought to the chest by the High Priest of Israel, which of course would have given Smith the prophetic qualities which served him as a new charismatic leadership.
Spalding died before knowing that his Manuscript would have had the extraordinary good fortune, could only be hoped for by its author, but completely unpredictable at the moment, enough to be considered a sort of divine revelation.
between the two moments in the development of radical Protestantism, and that what the '600 's '800, both crowded with would-be "inspired", two considerations relating to historical aspects. The first was the American Revolution and the emergence of the historical separation from England, during which the Indians began to be mass murder on a continental scale. Consider that just fifty years following the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers no longer exists a single Indian who had welcomed them, fed, and taught them how to live in their land, seen as the 'Promised Land' by those 'religious'. The second, the Civil War and the emergence of 'principles' of modernità, universalità dei diritti umani e la sperimantazione dei meccanismi giuridici della democrazia, che ancora oggi sono scimmiottati 0 imposti in tutto il resto del mondo. In questa fase, le genti indiane avrebbero potuto fornire un diritto speciale di primogenitura sul continente - genealogica, questa volta, e non più grazie a discutibili 'scoperte' geografiche - vista la loro (ipotetica) discendenza ebraica dopo la Diaspora e la distruzione del Tempio di Gerusalemme ad opera delle Legioni Romane.

Questo, al di là dei fuorvianti lasciti teologici delle varie sette dei "Protestanti dei Protestanti", mormoni compresi, significava che almeno l'esistenza falsata di una memoria romantica e artefatta degli indiani e della loro civiltà doveva essere tenuta in vita. Cosa cui provvidero tanto le neonate etnologie e antropologie culturali e sociali, quanto le tendenze New Age, ma anche puntualmente Hollywood. Fatto non ovvio, ovvio lo divenne, visto che per una miriade di popolazioni indigene sparse per il mondo intero (ironia della sorte, veniva chiamato Commonwealth , ricchezza comune!) si spensero nel silenzio di una ribalta cinematografica paragonabile.
Concludiamo segnalando una coincidenza singolare.
Noah, quello della "Nuova Ararat" sul fiume Niagara, una ventina d'anni dopo quei fatti, scrisse un libro nel quale auspicava il ristabilimento della nazione ebraica in Palestina, e benchè il suo nome is now forgotten, it must consider the real promoter of Zionism.
Then there was talk of a hypothetical "desert Indian" (perhaps it was not worth the trouble, since the 'greatness' of the civilization that then there would be some sort?), More recently talked about "a people without land and a land without the people "! Those who forget, it becomes easy prey for revivals!


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