Mancano ormai pochi giorni alla celebrazione della Cresima che si svolgerà domenica prossima 27 febbraio alle 15.30.
Saranno 62 ragazzi di I media più due giovani più grandi.
Come preparazione e incoraggiamento,
ecco l'immagine di copertina del libretto, selected from the group,
It 's the "Dove with flowers painted by Pablo Piccasso.
E 'accompanied by the text of a song by an Israeli artist of Palestinian descent, Murkus Amal. It 'a cry for peace between peoples back to the same source.
A white dove, with a flower in its beak
eyes and a warning:
"Never again is paid
a drop of blood between the nations. "
Flying high, the beating of its wings
creates a design against the clouds;
" If only men open their eyes
and drank from the same source,
they approached
and would not know the anguish,
if you open their eyes of men,
they would not know more war. "
A white dove, with a flower in its beak.
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