Monday, February 28, 2011

Night Calls Tiffany Fotos

Questioni di fondo.

Machinery and blood.

Remember the mechanism? The statue of Condillac? D'Holbach, Helvetius, Condorcet, and many others? The bones as levers, electrical conductors such as tendons, muscles, ropes and levers, the heart as a pump? The kidney, a filter. The blood and veins? A hydraulic system!
materialistic orgy sweeps away every trace of the sacred. Materialism, with wit of those who are accustomed a'spaccare hairs' is called 'vulgar'. The aim was to distinguish it from the much more meritorious in the eyes of the modern mind, and can become consubstantial element, one that expression. Essential characteristic, machines to produce machines. It is not surprising that modern man does not remain contaminated. These scientists were predominantly nobles and abbots, who had completely lost them their traditional functions. In practice, contributed materially to saw the branch on which they were sitting still.
The idea of \u200b\u200bscience and scientific concepts gives them an aura neutral and aseptic. Surgery. Adjective often associated with bombings and the bombing. Yeah, sure. But also to the slaughterhouses, which in all wars, is, undoubtedly, one to the 'one way'. It can, and should discuss the concept of just war (and therefore holy) - it was a normal chapter in medieval theology, S. Thomas, for instance, there has efforts on energy - became a taboo subject irenicism fanatic dominant and ecumenical, but the war of slaughterhouses and rivers of blood that causes cruel, is the most unjust and unjustifiable, the most degrading to the human being. Its victims to pieces, put them in a dish, and refined habit, makes plea for sophisticated diversions of scientific debate, between gastronomy and nutrizionistico.

The European Community has introduced a certificate to ensure the least possible suffering to animals at slaughter. The Council of Ministers of the European Union reached agreement on the new regulation that affects the welfare of animals, which provides more stringent rules for slaughterhouses, including the appointment of an expert on animal welfare and a special certification for workers of the slaughterhouse.
We delirium of rational despotism. In other words: let's also death, and profusion, on an industrial scale, but with care, delicacy and feeling, all bow down Americanism of political correctness. Nothing more irreverent, blasphemous and hypocritical ways of these 'civilized' reasoning. 'Outraged special' when it comes to condemning bullfighting, an ancient rite, bullfighting, unforgivable to beautiful souls contemporary, very willing to look the other way or to give explanations quotidino faced extermination of millions of beings.
Rationalism here shows its true face, cold, merciless, inexorable. One would say, irrational.

Frankenstein, a relative of the Golem, in fact is composed of parts dismembered and sewn together with the 'wisdom' scary science. Satanic wisdom.
Then, our enlightened West has the courage and audacity to blame the religious sacrifice because, they say, is opposed to the stunning estimate. More than a sincere feeling, it seems rather a new way to fulfill its anti-traditional, in opposition to those civilizations and religions that problem even if the pose of this imbalance, this chaos, disharmony that involves the killing, those who have not forgotten civilization, noble and inherently conservative.

No form of sacrifice traditional forms never reach those depths of cynicism of the massacre industrialized slaughterhouses.
Who has not heard before allimmagine skeleton of an Indian: "Ah, die of hunger with the cows that roam the street (so to speak, but ignorance)!"
And we also feel the phrase, very modern, a mo 'to lament, "cost to go through reactionary!"
We believe it is due to a recall, to put emphasis on words - so important in our society, that of the communication - and when it seems necessary, bring them back to their true meaning and true, let us that case, always the same old (neither modern, of course, but not 'old'). Reactionary is that way of seeing things that do not stand up and maltollera God's Law, Law eternal, immutable, and therefore the change, the 'best', and invents progress. The innovation is in fact the supreme insult went in that Act, tabled in the tradition of the ancient and noble civilization, in their sacred texts in their social organizations.
The Progressive is the worst of the reactionaries, because this law seems to him intolerable, unbearable. The future that you imagine, ie the time required for development, the unfolding of 'progress', the future, the worst of his lies. This future does not exist, and there the future in general.
stopped our gaze into the eyes of this macaque. Let us pause, even if it is painful. We investigate this abyss of confusion and pain, this imposibilità to respond, to understand ...

Instead, there is an answer and, in spite of everything, keeps us alive.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bulma And Vegeta Get Married

storia della torta

according to an ancient legend Habsburg, the essential element of the fourth dimension and 'whipped cream covered in cherry that often ruin the taste of whipped cream, mortacci of cherries. for those who like them, in fact, the candied cherries? in the seventies, for example, broke my dick everywhere: on ice cream, the cakes, pies and so on. to be honest, in the 70 cakes were inedible. soups were liquor of dubious origin, full of sugar covered sugar sugar filling and so on. Then in the eighties are gone a bit 'the cherry, but the cakes were the same shit. only in the nineties the cakes have managed a bit 'to improve. and we come to today, where some decent cake is when you go to a party or a wedding and so on. but 'what the fuck, if I think of the cakes of the 70 I still pissed. what the hell we'd do all that shit cherries?!?! What the fuck ...

Croc 2 Infrared Flat Iron

Spigolatura VI

Gaza, the killing continues

Dal gennaio 2010, secondo dati dell'Onu, 65 palestinesi sono stati uccisi dai soldati di Tel Aviv

Mentre Barack Obama condanna "con forza" le violenze in corso in Libia, definendole " oltraggiose ed inaccettabili ", e il Segretario di Stato Hillary Clinton si precipita a Ginevra per denunciare Gheddafi al Consiglio per i Diritti Umani dell'Onu, nessuno pare indispettirsi per i bombardamenti israeliani che mietono vittime civili a Gaza. D'altronde, durante l'offensiva Piombo Fuso del 2009, quando l'esercito israeliano sterminava tranquillamente più di 320 bambini palestinesi, Obama si trovava alle Hawaii a giocare a golf, e la Clinton probabilmente avrebbe made false cards to enjoy the scenery of a Gaza burned by white phosphorus from the view of the hills of Sderot.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gps Adapter Kabel Mc 35

No more thy voice in the silence of these


much a century ago today.

Risa rather

foreign nostalgia

forgetful man 's

you maimed.

90s Computer Games Educational Carnival

Profumo di casa...

I am out of the car and the air smells of burning stoves, it's dark and the streetlights you see the chimneys smoking. My cat is waiting for me because she knows when I get them without a phone call on your mobile.
It's cold and the smell of snow to the barometer says that he is right but the house is warmer.
Sorry I have to go is better to light the stove and put on my soup if no dinner tonight ... nothing
Good Sunday to all!

Treasure Chest Wording

Un soffio di vento

The festive period is that, Carnival, and every joke is you say ...

Party, confetti and costumes but masks out of fashion this year trigger chills me more than anything else worthy of Halloween.

Misseri, Ruby, these are the masks on the faces of children at parties, these are the faces on the wagons of the countries party.

Subjects cosmic symbol of delusion and evil that afflicts us indeed that afflicts them.

Faces desecrating all soft faces of children who should be the innocence and purity.
This is what gives us the Carnival this year.
Society of sheep led by the media because what you see must be emulated on TV, over again, relived.
Well at least the sheep have their dignity, their laws of the flock, but still more, humanity is now in the wild and only gathers in flocks from time to time to celebrate some strange occurrence, by playing ball team at the heart of the Carnival of Ruby.
yesterday talking to my friend Ervin which offer welcome on this blog discussing the life and its fullness is reached only when it reaches its end.
now the goal is to fill a box of paper mache with useless things, just to fill it and eventually you find yourself with a binder of things to carry around the weight of which can 'be unsustainable.
Life is a blast and we know everybody, perhaps someone like my friend Luke now knows better because it suddenly has no dad and now more than ever know that you have to live fully in a moment because there six more, and your box you do not need anything more at this time and look what you've collected during your journey and what to leave those who remain.
Hordes of people spanning time and fragmented at the atomic level to make the best or the worst?
I now go home and tomorrow I will be here to watch them all on Tracciolino from swarming and proud of my choices will observe the world around while in the meantime I'll put another piece in my box of Tracciolino because I want to see my mountains and overflowing of those moments that I think should be lived.

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Do You Look For In A Pub

La comunità del Tracciolino dello Spirito cresce.

This was the flock today, Feb. 25.
No, we went from three to six goats, as it seems. That last animal in the bottom of the picture, you Vrille, the dog that 'us' little flock with the help when it comes out to pasture, or, as it used to say, "broaden" the beasts.
Vrille does not have very clear ideas about himself and what to do. For his part, that is young, and that perhaps our mistake, even when he was younger, just three months (she was born in August 2010) had a traumatic encounter with menacing horns of Augusta. Mercilessly put to flight, with the classic "Cai! Cai!".
Experience has scored.
now is recovering, has become more courageous, deals with the flock, barking and when to back off is not cut and run, but only a tactical retreat, to return shortly afterwards on the scene.
But his training as a sheepdog is still far from satisfactory. For example, tends to make its voice with small, less with the big ones. Here you see it, that still needs to understand that it is a dog, not a goat, and his diet is not theirs. Is learning the reasons why goats appreciate so much the grass, and investigates the consequences of not being a ruminant!

However, the herd has grown from a few days. They are five hours.
Adolfo, the 'becchèt', a beautiful mantle dark, almost black, semi long hair, has been shown a great character. Since he was born in late August 2010, and then only six months of life. A strong character and strong, but also docile, at least for the moment. Then we'll see.
the first exit, after a short period of acclimatization to the new group, spent in the barn, I learned new smells, new situation, it is well placed. In haste, has carved its own niche and a role. Al point that has not been slow to warm effusions show for Brown. Which, I must admit, flirting with plenty of new young man of the house. Indeed, we would say more. He seemed rather pleased with the new knowledge. Although we do not believe, for now, the courtship has reached its goal. But what was
evvenuto is sufficient to put all of us a certain something that contrasts with the sparkling of the everyday routine.

We'll see how the situation will evolve. We will keep you informed.
The other is a new kid stesssa age, being herself in August 2010. The physical aspect is the most obvious feature of Alpine chamois. Name: Gertrude. Minute or two. Mild character. He has suffered quite a few attacks by 'residents'.

We tried once to put an adult hen in a chicken coop already well established. Nothing to do. Do not even try it. Not survived the terrible experience of the aggression of others.
there have been humiliated. Augusta said its leadership on several occasions. Botte authentic. Then less and less energetic, and in the end only ritual gestures. We can say now that their inclusion is a problem that is behind us.
Obviously with the growth of Adolf, his manhood, not only we will see some good in the flock. It will not be pretty much a 'puppy' to cherish, from what he told the shepherds, and also for our experience, we will be well to be with eyes wide open e. .. watch their backs!
However now, with the growth of 'community' Traccialino of the Spirit, joy is increased, new life, new experiences, new opportunities!

This evening at sunset, the sun does not heat up more, the flock presents itself. Quiet, well-intended otherwise. There is quick with the latest burnt, every minute needs to be exploited to the full. There is no time for social or erotic skirmishes. The communication now appears as a luxury. We try to refuel, before returning to the stable ...

Meanwhile, the weather forecast promising new snowfall. These pastures hurried prelude to a cold primevara that, for now, is slow in coming ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broken Capillaries Face Chest Infection

post volgare e scorbutico

what you do not understand, and with you I'm talking about people that is not blurry and I feel like the protagonist of this post, and 'that spring arrives in March, not February! In short, we do not want to feel guilty about all those who until now have thought otherwise. however, and 'the need to restate certain strongly the concept mentioned above. hours, for example, already 'I do not I remember more '. but does nothing. I'm sure it was something meaningful and deep.
politics, religion
human rights;
the status of women;
the other problems that plague our society '.
or maybe none of this.
maybe it was something very meaningful and deep.
synchronized swimming;
drawing with chalk on the board of a huge cock that he was once a schoolmate of mine;
pans sold on television;
and so on.
that then you see what you think is a more 'meaningful and deep.
maybe a thought to the design of a huge cock on the board is more 'meaningful and deep hunger in the world. I do not know. I will not disappoint anyone. if not, then I fuck with the caca claims. rather, one who for some reason was displeased with something I wrote in this post, I say, "Hey you! you're right. whatever, right." I just do not
persimmon pizza.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Affidavit Of Change Color

Mancano ormai pochi giorni alla celebrazione della Cresima che si svolgerà domenica prossima 27 febbraio alle 15.30.
Saranno 62 ragazzi di I media più due giovani più grandi.

Come preparazione e incoraggiamento,
ecco l'immagine di copertina del libretto, selected from the group,

It 's the "Dove with flowers painted by Pablo Piccasso.
E 'accompanied by the text of a song by an Israeli artist of Palestinian descent, Murkus Amal. It 'a cry for peace between peoples back to the same source.

A white dove, with a flower in its beak

eyes and a warning:

"Never again is paid

a drop of blood between the nations. "

Flying high, the beating of its wings

creates a design against the clouds;

" If only men open their eyes

and drank from the same source,

they approached

and would not know the anguish,

if you open their eyes of men,

they would not know more war. "

A white dove, with a flower in its beak.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Age Of Empire Rise Of Rome Full Version Exe


Reborn one of the most important bodies for the life of our chapel.
It 's the place where there is synthesis and leaps forward to be more faithful Christian identity and enthusiastic in designing new ways of faith and education .
The Council has the "eyes of an owl, the animal is able to see in night and take the path forward.

is the first appointment with the agenda.

Council Oratory

First meeting

WEDNESDAY 'February 23, 2011

Ore 21 - Oratorio room Women

On this occasion, will cover the following topics:

  1. Presentation of the members of the Board;
  2. reflection is and what is the Council of the Oratory;
  3. Practical implications: some initial choice to start the work;
  4. first overview on the prospects and problems of our oratory;
  5. Any other business.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Pick American Lock Combination Lock

Dialogo orfico.

was a beautiful day. Yesterday, Saturday. A spring sun. Anticipator. Promising. After days and days of snow, rain and fog, so heavy to oppress and corrode the thoughts of solitude and silence hermits. Li
into sloth, boredom, malinconia.
Il sole spazza via gli spiritelli nefasti che animano certi giorni oscuri in montagna d'inverno. Ombre senza luce lasciano il posto a vere ombre. Consequenza della luce. Oggi è un giorno speciale. Un ladro gentile, mercuriale, viene a commerciare le sue cose, sfuggendo ai rigori di inverno.
Non ci sarà molto da mangiare. Il pascolo è ancora arso, brullo. Erba scapina, dicono qui. Ma sotto sotto, scava solo un pochino e si scopre che la terra è umida, fertile, che giovani steli di erba si affacciano al primo teporino. Le capre lo sanno. Non sfugge loro.
Se a noi sfugge, il debito verso la terra, a loro no.
Eppoi, c'è il sole e l'aria pungente e morbida, al tempo itself. Lash and caress. Shadow cutting and burning sun. What a contrast! What vitality! What refreshment for the spirit!
It does not take tranquilizers or sleeping pills, which piles as big as mountains are daily swallowed by this civilization, with incomprehensible stubbornness, we continue to defend and propagate. Hucksters of the square of the elixir of life: the best of all possible worlds! The Orphic dialogue with the animals, goats, dogs, and others, suggests to me more subdued tones. More sedate. Humble and resigned, more amon the rest of the Living. Accept it, even when we do not understand. Maybe you actually save. We have not destroyed enough already?
Stop telling me Bruna. And stops and watches me. He has to tell me something.

He, along with the others, just finished stretch their legs, with the acrobatic leaps and tumbles full of joy. Dangerously unstable even for the goats. Vertically, as they do them. When you say "jump for joy." Only that, until now, I had only seen it done by young kids and much more agile. But no! It seems to say. All we do. It is not related to age, the joy. Even agility. E 'connected to the mind. E 'state of your being. And if you think you lose too.
The path of love is not always easy. Love is the desired goal. But be merciful always faithful. Defeat, the human limitations. Crossing the threshold. Le Simplegadi del visibile, del piano manifesto. Ti stringerai alla tua amata che ti attende. Euridice. Beatrice. Madonna Povertà che 'di dì in dì abbracciò più forte'. Fedele d'Amore. Sempre. Non indugiare a prestar orecchio al vociare caotico del mercato. Sembra echeggiare Zaratustra.
Oggi ci nutriamo di sole e di aria, più che del pascolo. Sanatorio ed elioterapia, quasi ricordi della Belle époque . Ecco il mio pascolo, ieri. Manco fossimo stati a Karlsbad o al viscontiano Lido di Venezia. Siamo in pace, in armonia. Per l'erba verde, fresca, nutriente aspetteremo il giunger della primavera. E Amore in cuor mi dice che arriverà. Fedele alle sue promesse, se io sono fedele a lei.
Viaticum the highest light. He says: I am a mother, thanks to you! See my little jump into the fields as Brynhild steep that the white dress is stripping? It was not just to my white milk that has grown. Even for your hay, your treatment. Good flavors of summer, you have accumulated in the barn. Your anxieties to want to protect from the cold winter. Are you a bit 'his father. And the thought moves me. And the little Brynhild approaches in search of pampering ... , and bread.
the patience to wait for the spinning top makes a great part of its course and raises new germogi and the awakening of the earth was implicit in the joy of goats and at the same time lay a serene calm rioters on the hearts of men. In war with themselves just because of being born. Instead they were born is reason for joy, if only to receive the caresses of this sun. Tightening and calls itself as Love. Do not resist him, rejoice with us. I do not know, but you're already one of us. Augusta is pleased to see the quiet strains of a humble licorice dusty ash now drenched. Seems to taste: a little 'stringy but good! Different from the usual flavors!

As I speak to Brown and Augusta, I enter a cold knife in the side. I had forgotten. But she returned to be felt.
The sun greets us and cools to its sunset through the branches. My friends it is time to return. We're out for hours. The barn will seem hot to us shelter for the night. Tomorrow we'll see. The conversation is only postponed and postponed. Knows no interruption final. Dead incurable. It 's another day, tomorrow ...

The important thing is that the dialogue between human beings continue .... maybe you do, if possible, more intimate, stable, durable.
how to have a lover there to pasture. How faithful waiting for me. And like a vicious old or a young teenager in love ... I can not think of anything but the next appointment!

Antibiotics Fro Mucous Congestion

il Purgatorio.

The misdeeds of the Knights, its endemic corruption, which does not appear as such, it is preferable to the equally endemic in most hypocritical and pandemic influenza, the misdeeds of politicians by trade specialists logorrhoea democratic and Babel, by Fini on the way down, until you get to vendoliani, claims and ecologists, through the party Trans transparty, transnational, anti-system systematically for several decades, always in the front row as the political arm Italiot Evil. Alas, this is the sad state of affairs. A love her face.

After all, the old rich and powerful, embodies the dreams of the province as it has been 'educated' in the postwar years, a Danish and Don, also eat come il suo mentore, venuto meno, Craxi, che si liposuzionazava periodicamente come un maiale da gonfiare e sgonfiare di cibo. Prodromo di ogni futura manipolazione del corpo, cioè dell'inesistente, complice la chirurgia plastica su scala industriale. Si trasforma e si cambia ciò che da sempre è un eterno cambiamento. Il materialismo più bieco ci porta alla battaglia contro i mulini a vento. Che però è una filiazione di quello teorico. L' humus in cui è stata cresciuta la Repubblica, nata dalla Resistenza e degno coronamento del Risorgimento. Di male in peggio. Sequela macabra.

In una civiltà degrata, senza degli ideali che non siamo mode o valori passeggeri, nor transcendent, but very well-guarded lest they arise, where appropriate, new or, again, old. Do not just have sex, in all ways and manners. A
consumption and abuse and boundless favorite, pounding, haunted. Everyone at home is what he wants: it is the leitmotif , cynical and wicked of our day. That there is no moral duty free zones, if you do not want to disturb the conscience, scrap metal of yesteryear. not even touching them. The individual is Lord and Judge. Nobody has to answer to. The citoyen not want to be protected, not even had a child. Free sex, promiscuous and consent. Always tolerated, except for a blackmailing operation and defamatory agree then scream scandal, however, extra moral grounds. The "dossieraggio" and "Mud Machine" are terms tragically came in everyday, normal neologisms. The tele-porn-pluto-liberal democracy, the flower of the modern mind. A "cure" a horse that is collapsing to the ground a hack who barely stands.
weapon of mass destruction at the level of ethnocide. In Europe, for sure. Maybe testing for the global scale.
Morality is an insult, a vice moralism of the most despicable. Support for the moral law? Stuff from Islamic extremists. The "Republic of Virtue" a negative political science class, to ask a tirade against political opponents. We, musulmai that we and our daughters in Arcore if not, at least on TV we will be glad. Papers and recommended fiction and reality overlap up to identify themselves. And the Miss contests (forbidden by law in some countries) with a lot of mothers trembling? At least the council look at the portfolios of the Prince Charming of our daughters, before any decision, we want to spare him?
We even invented a new disease, that of compulsive and obsessive sex, with lots of detoxification clinics and therapeutic and rehabilitative programs. But woe to talk about containment. Chastity and purity, advocated no means be certain social reprimand. And even the Church, ever careful not to upset its customers, not only has become more cautious. As a body in advanced necrosis, even more true or false Savonarola the most trouble. It stopped burning. After the binge
demo-pornographic mass softening constant moral youth - where even a harmless cheese is not advertised without sexual implications, do you expect to leave it free? Inevitable, even on the physical as well as the moral ssu, after binges and intoxication should be the time of the purge. But

revitalize the corpse of 'homo tecnologicus , bloodless decades of democracy and laissez faire ? No true? Discipline and spirit of sacrifice, differences and hierarchies of the past stuff it?
For a moment we focused on "business ethics", just enough to appease some angry reaction to the motion of the global crisis as banks, speculators "toxic", but without too much stress. After the storm, we will forget too soon to have just mentioned. What do

insegnre from these promoters of pornography, the gay pride , the movement of 'liberation', the rights of prostitutes, promiscuity in every possible way, contamination of the various pills, abortions, the 'freedom sex ', the' womb is mine, "gathered around the flags liberal-democratic? And you want your leaders tend to holiness?

"We will give free" means derived or not, somehow, from the animals?

not it time for a change?

" ... You were not born", but it ... - Reminds us that Guido De Giorgi

"Quanti sono gli ammiratori di Dante che non si limitano a magnificarne il verso o l' espressione - cose assolutamente esteriori e superficiali - ma ne assumono la dottrina, il sapere su tutti i piani dell' essere a cui si applica e nella totalità del Viaggio Celeste? "

We, as" external and superficial, "we will rise again?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Guy Brazilian Wax In Penis

tempo da perdere

apparently there are days when people go to work but then goes back home, like all other days. to be more 'accurate, these days we are talking about are the days when people get up, go to work, come home, eat and go to bed. according to some researchers emeritus, typical of so grand, 'these days can be defined as a common good title. and the scholars mentioned above are so convinced that they have decided to write a long book that explains why these days are a good way to define common days. a first draft of the book, it seems (but the voice did not have confirmation), it would be 2983 pages long. and apparently the last 83 pages are all thanks. thanks to the right and left. Thank you one and then the other, then thank his uncle, aunt and thank you, thank you grace and I thank Ezio . and short, in the end he could no longer 'all sti thanks. and 'brusuillis arrived and fanned grand scholars of grapeshot. so no more 'book. but in return both brusuillis. and the moral of the story ': + brusuillis-grand. here. mbe '? are you still reading? thou hast no more to do than stay here to judge the sconclusionatezza this post? but see this ... if you want to stay, stay. nobody says anything. but if you stay here to make the big head, forget their own. back where you came from. your common day. that there is no time to lose. here.

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GMG !!!!! Here's BACKPACK

The Pope has already WYD backpack!

papa-mochila2 Last year, the Pope received the hat of the WYD. This year it was the turn of another of the typical elements of a WYD backpack. The Holy Father was the first to receive it from the hands of the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela.

When there now just over six months at the opening of World Youth Day in Madrid, reveals one of the symbols of WYD. The backpack is given to the Pope a model made specifically for this meeting.

Content backpack
As on the previous day, the pack will be delivered to all participants who register . Inside the backpack, they will find a rosary, the book of the pilgrim, the leadership of the GMG, the YouCat -catechism prepared specially for the young-adult, a subscription that will allow them to move with public transport in the city, a hat and a fan.

addition to this framework, members will have access to cultural events of the day, enter a priority for the main events of the day, as well as insurance injuries that will cover them during their stay at the WYD.

Participants will also collaborate to ensure that their peers of the less fortunate can go to Madrid and enjoy the day, adding € 10 to their registration will assist those who wish to participate in World Youth Day, so do not lose this opportunity.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Continent Is The North Pole


what many today do not understand 'that to save the world must grow a plant unsuspected. questa pianta e' la pianta meglio nota come il cactus. piantando il cactus infatti si salvera' il mondo. e ora non mi va di spiegare il perche'. a dire la verita' non mi andava neanche di scrivere questo post. be', basta.

Brown Discoloration The White Of A Dog's Eye

Erri De Luca: My Moses moved the mountain

A preview of an interview with poet and writer Erri De Luca - a great knowledge of Scripture - which will be released in a short book on the figure of Moses "E said " published by Feltrinelli. De Luca describes Moses as the first climber in history.
The interview was released today with the newspaper Avvenire.

ow A man casts his eyes elsewhere. Lightweight, seems to measure the distance between the horizon itself. He turns. Moistens his lips, perhaps too long forgotten by the negligence of the liturgical glass half empty. In the eyes - quiet cemeteries experience - the passing of an occasional puff cool and spacious, brought there by some top just glimpsed and never mind owned real . Familiar climber, intimacy with the climbs that scrape away the breath. It must be lonely, where the voice leads him, opening a passage way for harsh, rugged, not yet baptized or strokes from tears or sweat. Often modulate their imagination behind the walls of secluded, pure cliffs where even the ability of the mind becomes more brittle. And sometimes, even slippery. A cloud over our heads graces the sky, without too many claims. Between me and Erri De Luca, as if to establish the separation of a crossing, reflected the latest draft And he said, in Feltrinelli output next week (96 pages, € 10.00). Visibly taciturn. Tonic. Tenacious. Dotted pages for days already become familiar, sentimental anticipates my index, in silence, seeking the initiation .
What kind of man is 'your'
"It's saved. The only one who escapes the destruction of the births of Jewish children ordered by the Pharaoh, worried by the increase of the Jewish minority population residing in Egypt. Moses is the only survivor. And then he condensa l’energia dei suoi coetanei, di tutte quel­le vite negate. È un ammi­nistratore delegato delle loro forze, che non
hanno avuto modo di manifestar­si. Ha dunque questa energia in e­subero, talmente sovrabbondante da fargli inciampare la lingua. In­fatti è balbuziente. E non per ridu­zione, ma per eccesso: balbetta per sovraccarico di forza che quel­la lingua deve esprimere. Lui è ne­cessariamente l’unica scelta della divinità. Non ce n’è un’altra».
Di quale carisma era dota­to Mosè, tanto da poter spostare un intero popolo radicato in Egitto da ven­tuno generazioni?

"Moses was a carrier of energy needed to liberate and leave. He was able to stand, with his words, the task that the gods had given him. Words with a force of displacement, before rooting, such as to be able to move an entire population - number, now, because Egypt is moving more than a half million lives - from the very long residence.
Those individuals are to all intents and purposes of the Egyptian citizens, even if they belong to a minority. And the news that convinces them it is the promise of a 'land of milk and honey has menstruation'. This is not a land drips, drips or oozes milk and honey, but that the verb of female menstruation. A news item checked in the mouth of the gods, and then on the lips of Moses. That word says that the earth will have the same future fertility of the Jewish woman. Legendary fertility, bursting, such as to frighten even
entered Egypt in seventy male units, the people of Israel again multiplied immensely. Then the gods seek to generate the force of the Jewish woman
to tell the promised land. Milk and honey are not then just the ingredients of the breakfast, but a formula to say that the site will be suitable for both agriculture and pastoralism.
The milk symbolizes the earth, where livestock is reared and honey, however, the pollination of plants, the possibility of growing fruit trees and develop agriculture. It is a region that then holds the crafts of Cain and Abel, where each may find cohabitation. "
Moses is one used to climb in solitude: "He went to
desire to break away from the field, from the items, rose to expulsion." What goes looking for a man far from others?
"It's looking away. And if the prosecutor. The shepherds are usually loners for a living. Maybe even a vocation. David, for example, is a pastor by vocation. Like, that loneliness.
In the midst of silence has developed his gifts: a musical invention aims infallible. He is, in fact, the first singer of sacred history, the one who writes and sings most of the psalms. We invent, to keep company in the solitude of the distant pastures. At
same way, we can define the first climber of the Moses story. One used to climb the mountains. Sinai / Horev - which also means 'Drought', because a name is not enough for a town so important - salt three times. The first, even barefoot, when the gods asked him to dig the sandals on that ground. And the other two for a double set of tables of the law. Then he accompanies his brother to die on Mount Hor. And he dies a climber on Mount Nebo, beyond the Jordan. It is up there that the gods made him see the land where he will not come.
Because of his biography, we can thus say that Moses knows his stay in the mountains. And we know also go
by myself. "
"You shall not covet property of others. " In the past, have you ever been stung by envy?

"No. It is a sentiment that has not caught on with me and did not work. On the contrary, I often feel a sense of admiration. I'm glad to see something that I express wonder and surprise me. But I do not want to take the place of admiration. The envious but is believed to be authorized to substitute for the person or thing envied. No, no, I envy is transitive.
The admiration is intransitive. And I'm capable of, but certainly not make the journey to take the place of another. I keep what I have, because I did not want him to anyone. "

Among the Ten Commandments carved into the rock socket of men, there is someone with whom you often had to do?

"'From the weight of your father and your mother'. I was lucky enough to have them close for a long time, so I'm fond of that commandment. "

But it was not always so: as a boy you went home ...

"Yes, I left. I have moved away from them and then I found further, later in time. "

and found, what have you discovered from your parents?

"What I had always followed, even from afar. I had never been reported missing. Neither were resigned to my distance. "

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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INCREDIBLE PREVIEW: the gadget for Lent 2011

Puzzle charity
To live day by day Lent

will be a puzzle the gadget of Lent 2011 in oratory. 42 pieces will form the image higher than we can offer children, one of the Crucified! To form the Cross boys will have to undertake, day after day, love to live according to the teaching that Jesus proposes to his disciples in the "Sermon on the Mount ," from the Beatitudes in the Gospels of the Sundays of Lent and parable of the Good Samaritan.

The commitments will be presented on all a board that will be delivered to children at the beginning of Lent. Every Sunday of Lent the boys will be delivered 7 pieces of the puzzle adhesives corresponding to the commitment of the week (one day).

On board will be scored the 42 commitments of the six weeks of Lent (including the Holy Week until Easter) - each in the shapes of the pieces of the puzzle - and the indications for the evening prayer boys - together parents - and their examination of conscience at night.

Every night the kids will find out what will be the commitment of the next day searching on the board of all: you will help shape the piece of the puzzle of the day (corresponding to the unique shape on the board) and especially the passage of " Sermon on the Mount "which will be on the back of the tile (the commitment is on track and will require that the" piece "of the Gospel is put into practice by states that that action is requested for that day.)

The same evening the boy, after the 'examination of conscience which will also be a review of the task you have undertaken, will apply to the piece of the puzzle board (an image that building every day in the Crucifix "hide" even a series of actions to imitate those of the good Samaritan!).

For each form the puzzle will remove the adhesive backing and will adhere identical to the shape puzzle on the board, making sure the parts fit together (because the other pieces get stuck to art).

membership card to the board also has a symbolic value because, if each made the commitment required, he made sure that his life adhered to the gospel, that charity and lifestyle newspapers have paid on that day that the gospel has "asked" to do.

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osservazione sociologgica

ho notato ultimamente che si parla moltissimo di quello che sappiamo tutti. in televisione, sui giornali, alla radio, in internet, non si fa altro che parlare di giochi all'aperto come: girotondo, nascondino, mosca cieca eccetera. ovvero i bei giochi di una volta quando ancora non c'era la plaistescio o la ui, queste cose qui che invece costringono tutti a stare dentro casa e non vedere piu' la luce del sole inoltre impediscono di sviluppare la fantasia e non come una volta quando i mulini erano bianchi che c'era ancora un sacco di gente che usciva in strada e si faceva le seghe guardano i cani che scopano.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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la morale e la merda

stanotte ho sognato di essere un elicottero che volava controvoglia in quanto voleva fare il mangiatore di chiodi in un circo. ero molto triste quando ho scoperto di essere un elicottero, e allora, visto che era un sogno, non aveva senso che rimanessi tale e mi sono trasformato in un pizzocchero valtellinese. e aveva ancora meno senso in quanto stavo per essere mangiato da me stesso. a quel punto ho deciso di trasformarmi in me stesso mentre mi mangiavo un pizzocchero e la cosa mi ha dato soddisfazione. era buono, quel pizzocchero. e per fortuna che ho fatto in tempo a revert to myself if I ended up not devour me and I do not know what happened. Then I became the first bolus type shit. such a thing. no, no, better to eat than be eaten. and this' cause in the end everything has a moral. also 'I'm fucking. ie 'if one seeks a moral can' find anywhere. also in the shit. to say. here.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Kerala House


time I go to promote a campaign against something or for something else, just do not remember 'a fuck about what this country was for or against. so every time you meet the committee are dicks. I pretend to know what you are talking and trying to understand or indignant when I have been enthusiastic. In short, l'appello a chiunque si imbatta in queste pagine virtuali, e': se per caso vi ricordato qual era questa campagna che mi ero impegnato a promuovere, per cortesia, facciatemelo sapere via mail o nei commenti. grazie. ecco.