The misdeeds of the Knights, its endemic corruption, which does not appear as such, it is preferable to the equally endemic in most hypocritical and pandemic influenza, the misdeeds of politicians by trade specialists logorrhoea democratic and Babel, by Fini on the way down, until you get to vendoliani, claims and ecologists, through the party Trans transparty, transnational, anti-system systematically for several decades, always in the front row as the political arm Italiot Evil. Alas, this is the sad state of affairs. A love her face.
After all, the old rich and powerful, embodies the dreams of the province as it has been 'educated' in the postwar years, a Danish
and Don, also eat come il suo mentore, venuto meno, Craxi, che si liposuzionazava periodicamente come un maiale da gonfiare e sgonfiare di cibo. Prodromo di ogni futura manipolazione del corpo, cioè dell'inesistente, complice la chirurgia plastica su scala industriale. Si trasforma e si cambia ciò che da sempre è un eterno cambiamento. Il materialismo più bieco ci porta alla battaglia contro i mulini a vento. Che però è una filiazione di quello teorico. L'
humus in cui è stata cresciuta la Repubblica, nata dalla Resistenza e degno coronamento del Risorgimento. Di male in peggio. Sequela macabra.
In una civiltà degrata, senza degli ideali che non siamo mode o valori passeggeri, nor transcendent, but very well-guarded lest they arise, where appropriate, new or, again, old. Do not just have sex, in all ways and manners. A
consumption and abuse and boundless favorite, pounding, haunted. Everyone at home is what he wants: it is the leitmotif
, cynical and wicked of our day. That there is no moral duty free zones, if you do not want to disturb the conscience, scrap metal of yesteryear. not even touching them. The individual is Lord and Judge. Nobody has to answer to. The
citoyen not want to be protected, not even had a child. Free sex, promiscuous and consent. Always tolerated, except for a blackmailing operation and defamatory agree then scream scandal, however, extra moral grounds. The "dossieraggio" and "Mud Machine" are terms tragically came in everyday, normal neologisms. The tele-porn-pluto-liberal democracy, the flower of the modern mind. A "cure" a horse that is collapsing to the ground a hack who barely stands.
weapon of mass destruction at the level of ethnocide. In Europe, for sure. Maybe testing for the global scale.
Morality is an insult, a vice moralism of the most despicable. Support for the moral law? Stuff from Islamic extremists. The "Republic of Virtue" a negative political science class, to ask a tirade against political opponents. We, musulmai that we and our daughters in Arcore if not, at least on TV we will be glad. Papers and recommended
fiction and reality overlap up to identify themselves. And the Miss contests (forbidden by law in some countries) with a lot of mothers trembling? At least the council look at the portfolios of the Prince Charming of our daughters, before any decision, we want to spare him?
We even invented a new disease, that of compulsive and obsessive sex, with lots of detoxification clinics and therapeutic and rehabilitative programs. But woe to talk about containment. Chastity and purity, advocated no means be certain social reprimand. And even the Church, ever careful not to upset its customers, not only has become more cautious. As a body in advanced necrosis, even more true or false Savonarola the most trouble. It stopped burning. After the binge
demo-pornographic mass softening constant moral youth - where even a harmless cheese is not advertised without sexual implications, do you expect to leave it free? Inevitable, even on the physical as well as the moral ssu, after binges and intoxication should be the time of the purge. But
revitalize the corpse of 'homo
tecnologicus , bloodless decades of democracy and laissez faire
? No true? Discipline and spirit of sacrifice, differences and hierarchies of the past stuff it?
For a moment we focused on "business ethics", just enough to appease some angry reaction to the motion of the global crisis as banks, speculators "toxic", but without too much stress. After the storm, we will forget too soon to have just mentioned. What do
insegnre from these promoters of pornography, the gay pride
, the movement of 'liberation', the rights of prostitutes, promiscuity in every possible way, contamination of the various pills, abortions, the 'freedom sex ', the' womb is mine, "gathered around the flags liberal-democratic? And you want your leaders tend to holiness?
"We will give free" means derived or not, somehow, from the animals?
not it time for a change?
... You were not born", but it ... - Reminds us that Guido De Giorgi
"Quanti sono gli ammiratori di Dante che non si limitano a magnificarne il verso o l' espressione - cose assolutamente esteriori e superficiali - ma ne assumono la dottrina, il sapere su tutti i piani dell' essere a cui si applica e nella totalità del Viaggio Celeste? "
We, as" external and superficial, "we will rise again?