Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hog Island Boa For Sale

lo spellegrinaggio

starting from consideration that if there are any moral capital, then there are also the capitals immoral, I think, a good approximation, I'd like more 'visit the immoral and moral capital. therefore, to be rigorous, if the journey to the capital is called moral, as a rule, pilgrimage to the capitals in my opinion should be called immoral spellegrinaggio. and now look at the differences between the pilgrimage and spellegrinaggio.
a) the trip, in general, if one wants to make a pilgrimage, will make 'a journey of sacrifice, and therefore uncomfortable, on foot, mule wagon that smelled of shit and stuff like that', on the contrary, this there is no need for spellegrinaggio, on the contrary, to be true, it needs a trip full of comfort;
b) the destination: if at the end of a pilgrimage in general there is a church full of old songs that they sing out of tune and bad, at the end of a spellegrinaggio you arrive in a brothel where there are young people who do not sing because they often have a mouth full;
c) accommodation and meals: usually during the pilgrimage and during visits to the destination of pilgrimage where you sleep you can ', and simply eat little and drink only water. at room temperature. during a rather spellegrinaggio can 'do a little' how the hell he likes, but in short, if one wants to do with spellegrinaggio controcazzi to drink, eat come un porco e bestemmiare.
bene, per concludere, da quanto abbiamo analizzato nei punti a, b e c, il pellegrinaggio perde alla grande contro lo spellegrinaggio. il pellegrinaggio ne esce sconfitto e umiliato. ed e' contento, anche. bene, siamo contenti per lui. ma a noi ci piace lo spellegrinaggio.


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