Sunday, March 13, 2011

Parental Promasis (naming Ceremony)

Pericolo nucleare? No. Pericolo umano. ("Apocalittici" o "Integrati")

Una cosa è certa. Il bimbo giapponese a mani in alto: l'umanità del domani ha davanti una resa. Parrebbe che nessun disastro ambientale, di per sè, possa assumere una dimensione distruttiva tale da mettere a repentaglio la vita sul pianeta.
Ciò che l'essere umano vi ha aggiunto, invece, si.

Comunque nessun allarmismo ingiustificato. Nessuna contrapposizione tra "apocalittici" e "integrati", c'è la ragionevole certezza di una via di mezzo. La celebre asserzione è del noto scrittore e accademico Umberto Eco, come molti ricorderanno. Il quale dimostrando la sua profonda comprensione dei tempi si è recato fino a Gerusalemme per dire che Berlusconi regge il paragone solo with Hitler. And for those who have not yet understood from his writings 'strictly enlightened and progressive', tells us that "the journalists said he appreciated the Israeli books and the themes of his writings are influenced by Jewish culture." If he says so ....

not get over it. Not drawn any lesson. Certainly advances in technology will find a solution. No one disturbs the 'manipulator'. And the sleep coma in which the scientific megalomania has plunged humanity.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Dimensions Of A Dvd Case

Spigolatura VII

A secret bunker in Norway contains the seeds of all plants in the world. Who and what's behind it?

The fact is that the main funder of this ark of seeds is the Rockefeller Foundation, along with Monsanto and Syngenta (the two giants of genetically modified) In the cold island of Spitsbergen, desolate archipelago of Svalbard (Barents Sea, a thousand miles from the Pole) is nearing completion, the febrile superbanca seeds, to contain the seeds of three million varieties of plants from all over the world.
A "bank" carved in granite, fastened with two bomb-proof doors with motion sensors, detectors, special air vents, walls of reinforced concrete one meter thick.
The fortification is located at the cluster of tiny Longyearbyen, where every stranger who arrives is immediately noted, moreover, the island is almost deserted. It will
, tells the Norwegian Government owner of the archipelago, to "preserve agricultural biodiversity for the future."
For advertising, is "the ark of the Apocalypse 'next venture.

The fact is that the main funder of this ark of seeds is the Rockefeller Foundation, along with Monsanto and Syngenta (the two giants of genetically modified), the Pioneer Hi-Bred studying GMOs the chemical multinational DuPont interesting group that has run recently joined Bill Gates, the richest man in world history, through its foundation caritativa Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Questa dà al progetto 30 milioni di dollari l'anno.

Ce ne informa l'ottimo William Engdahl (1) che ragiona: quella gente non butta soldi in pure utopie umanitarie.
Che futuro si aspettano per creare una banca di sementi del genere?
Di banche di sementi ne esistono almeno un migliaio in giro per le università del mondo: che futuro avranno?
La Rockefeller Foundation , ci ricorda Engdahl, è la stessa che negli anni '70 finanziò con 100 milioni di dollari di allora la prima idea di «rivoluzione agricola genetica».
Fu un grande lavoro che cominciò con la creazione dell'Agricolture Development Council (emanazione della Rockefeller Foundation), e poi dell'International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) nelle Filippine (cui partecipò la Fondazione Ford ).

Nel 1991 questo centro di studi sul riso si coniugò con il messicano (ma sempre dei Rockefeller) International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, poi con un centro analogo per l'agricoltura tropicale (IITA, sede in Nigeria, dollari Rockefeller).
Questi infine formarono il CGIAR, Consultative Group on International Agricolture Research.

In varie riunioni internazionali di esperti e politici tenuti nel centro conferenze della Rockefeller Foundation a Bellagio, il CGIAR fece in modo di attrarre nel suo gioco la FAO (l'ente ONU per cibo and agriculture), the World Bank (then headed by Robert McNamara) and the UN Development Program.

The CGIAR invited, hosted and taught generations of agricultural scientists, especially the Third World, the wonders of modern agribusiness and the nascent industry of genetically modified seeds.

This brings the verb in their countries, creating a network of influence for the extraordinary penetration of agribusiness Monsanto.

"With a prudent leverage effect of the funds initially invested," Engdahl writes, "in the '70s, the Rockefeller Foundation began in the position to shape global agriculture policy. It has shaped. " Everything in
scientific name of humanitarian ("hunger") and a new agriculture suitable for the global free market.

Really Rockefeller spend money for suffering humanity?

The key is the phrase that Henry Kissinger spoke in the 70s, when the CGIAR was born: "He who controls the oil controls the country, and whoever controls the food, controls the population."
Petroleum, already controlled by the Rockefeller Standard Oil, the leader of the world oil cartel.

We now know that the Green Revolution was synonymous with advertising for GM, and its true outcome was to subtract the agricultural production subject and family farmers, especially the Third World, the interests of three or four giants of agribusiness € American.

In practice, this was through the recommendation and distribution of new 'hybrid-miracle "crops that gave" fabulous ", prepared in the laboratories of multinational giants.

The hybrid seeds are of a commercially attractive to the business, not playing or playing little, forcing farmers to buy new seeds every year, instead of using (as done for millennia) part of their harvest for replanting.

Those seeds were patented, and they cost a lot.

Its self-feeding self-sufficiency and sustainability of traditional agriculture was over. All

patented, all expensive.

The peasants who for centuries had grown for home consumption and local markets, not just importing and exporting, they did not have much money.

Biopiracy, GMO seeds rural India: "Over 100,000 farmers have committed suicide ..." Priya Kumar - 03/12/2009 .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wait Time For Hysterectomy Ontario


Monday, March 7, 2011

Fast Insurance For Business

L'insostenibile satanismo eco-compatibile

A comment on what was written previously about the cruel treatment inflicted, in general, many if not all animal species and in various ways more or less bloody (basic question of 28.2) and which also offers a video, drives us to make some comments that we consider non-negligible interest
knew the movie, but apparently we missed the beginning. In these minutes the film, other than raw and carat pure documentary in which murderous brutality and groans and agonizing and unnecessary suffering are meticulous and merciless in the past review, here you can note, as if it were a frame introduction, an explanatory framework that also involves broader human violence directed against its own species. And inevitably, the shots chosen to exemplify an equation of human history and the animal slaughter and industrial level, the 'stereotypical' shots dating back to World War II, those of the leader of a belligerent power, and skeletal images of prisoners in concentration camps.
I have no interest in historical or political diatribes, let alone take on a propettiva part, since what happens at the empirical level in the events of ancient history of mankind, the manifest order of things, comes in advance predefined by determinations that occur at the metaphysical level and beyond. By the emergence of conditions of change and multiplication of causal factors that make empirical when more and more difficult to synthesize with the tools of historical research that have emerged in recent centuries of a much longer human history. Indeed, the proliferation of explanatory factors seem to create a more intricate labyrinth, such that the truth 'of events', rather than depend on the principles, appears to be produced piecemeal, partial, a result of propaganda opposing artifact. What goes inabisssandosi
Truth in modern times, it's not a big deal. Just as the labyrinths epistemology of modern science rather than to uncover the 'facts' looks increasingly like a smokescreen, a maze, a labyrinth in which he wins who does the voice fragments, and is able to manipulate and persuade others of the 'facts'.
may be worthy of interest, on the other hand, look like animal abuse is understood as a question of relevance of the 'undercut' of human beings, which originated from a 'fact' aggressive characteristic of the human being is thus not wonder, will manifest itself up even more with large proportions of cynicism over helpless animals.
In other words, this implies a clear doctrinal error. Retracing the negligence towards human animals to a sphere entirely typical of the secular modern science that are independent and are opposed to any reality that escapes the senses, there is nothing to trace a route known to the progress of rational thought and the mechanistic modern, well-tested path of elimination of traditional components inherited designed to keep the truth from the break doggedly materialistic.
In our short paper, the neglect of animals in general that has been spread to every continent in parallel with the expansion and decline of the West, was set against the treatment they reserve their traditional civilizations . Indigenous civilizations, which are defined incorrectly "Primitive" but that would be more correct to call 'primitive' as they have been able to extend any more than we have been able to do, the consciousness of a subsidiary, a 'birthright' of the Creator. This memory, TRADITION dhikr according to Islamic anamnesis in Plato's language, is ultimately the factor that makes the difference in the relationships with animals, not carrying organisms 'rights' as claimed by environmentalists, animal rights, environmentalists, green, reviews widely used in modern mind, but be positioned in different levels and placed in a clear hierarchy, which includes plants and minerals, according to the hierarchical status of una coscienza universale.

Sacrificio vedico del cavallo

C. Eastman - uno Sioux egli stesso, ma per così dire "civilizzato" - parla della grande naturalezza con cui gli Indiani d'America, avvezzi ai grandi spazi solitari e ai profondi silenzi della loro 'incontaminata' Natura, contemplassero il "Grande Mistero", "senza complicazione interiore - dice - ...perchè ogni discorso è necessariamente debole e imperfetto..."
D'altro canto, la fragilità delle opinioni dei progressisti moderni, sopra ricordati, si tradisce allorchè il rispetto dei 'diritti' animali che si vorrebbe 'universale' scende ad un pragmatico compromesso ecosistemico che essi chiamano "sostenibile". Cosicchè si uccidono comunque, però prediligendo forme di morte dolce, che ricordono inevitabilmente l'eutanasia. 'Traguardo' che i progressisti propongono tanto per gli animali quanto per gli esseri umani.

La mentalità tradizionale riconosce una profonda affinità, identificazione tra e con animali, vegetali , fenomeni naturali e uomini. Un'autentica parentela. Il sapere profano moderno chiama questo atteggiamento "totemismo" e ne studia ogni forma di relazione esteriore, precludendo così ogni possibilità di comprendere le valenze prettamente spirituali di tale "parentela".
Del resto, Gesù stesso nega energicamente, a beneficio dei "cuori induriti", di cui i moderni senz'altro sono gran parte, il valore della consanguineità di figliolanza e di parentela rimarcando il primato assoluto dello Spirito. «Se uno viene a me e non odia suo padre e sua madre, moglie e figli fratelli e sorelle e perfino la sua propria vita, non può essere mio discepolo ” ( Luc 14:26-27 ). "E' lo spirito che dà la vita, la carne non giova a nulla" (Giov. 6:63). Odiare padre e madre non osta con il comandamento divino di onorarli. Impone semplicemente di non idolatrare il sangue, la discendenza fisiologica.

L'uccisione è senz'altro vissuta con angoscia and guilt (see also "Kill or sacrifice?", 26.1). It is true that the aseptic process of industrial slaughterhouses to protect him from such unpleasantness. It is one thing to see, hear, smell the flow of blood is to find another animal parts, cold, clean and anemic, the refrigerated display cases.

me the real headache for the modern mind is the sacrifice, that is the ritual killing. It is not surprising that the ritual sacrifice be hard for Westerners: it is a necessary consequence of the process of secularization. Before being involved sacrifice, is the rite that is an action, a gesture, which has lost its meaning.
The action is understood and justified By virtue of its consequences. Action must be productive, or at least aimed at a concrete and useful result. We questioned the usefulness of art. What is a painting to hang on the wall? A sculpture is something other than an ornament? The hostess just hopes that intonino with the color of the sofas and upholstery!
But what about the ritual? What's the use? Anyone who thinks that we should cooperate with the Cosmos why you keep perpetuating? Those who think we live in the dimension of the manifest of the fragmented, of the manifold, by the fragmentation of Being a primitive, primary, supreme? From the One to the fragments of which were once part of? But above all, that this condition of exile of the pieces we can proceed for its reconstruction? "Gather what is spread"?
The pieces are fragments of our relatives, are lovingly put back together, coagulated, blended again in a league, after the fade.
Far from being useless, the ritual of sacrifice is even necessary. Tollis peccata mundi Agnus Dei here . The sacrifice of the fracture back together, split up, reconcile the manifest order of things that the duality is spofondare in a conflict, blind abyss of suffering and victimization, leading to the extreme of the cycle.

"What is essential, in the sacrifice - AK Coomaraswamy writes - is first split, and secondly to bring together", The Supreme Being, Mahapurusha , "as one becomes many, and as many again becomes one" (Hinduism and Buddhism , p. 26).. "From Him and to Him we return", hope Koranic words, if we were 'cleansed' the fan is divine.
The ritual action is to restore a "primordial state." In other words, the empirical and materialistic mentality, is useless, as is the art (modern sense). But as the art has become useless, following a process of degradation, as traditionally the ' art, ars , beauty and utility were indistinguishable, so the ritual has become useless and act unnecessary, the result of a process of loss of the sacred, as the consolidation in the various traditions of the Cosmos ( rta ) meant primarily get rid of the utility, dall'aspettattiva of its fruits, and the man is celebrating sacrifices too ' he, as he starts the journey to its termination, work that is purification and production.
There is concern now: how to meet the needs of a material civilization purified, solar? The priest, the Brahman , dying to the world that he needs to eat? By the end of Sanskrit amrta obviously related to rta , indicating the drink of the gods, soma food, like the Greeks, ambrosia was their nectar. Manna's food heaven. Why worry about the digestive processes when one aims for transhumanist?
sacrifice so do not feed it, does not make the food ritually pure, even eternizza us, makes it unnecessary. Far from being restricted to a privileged group action - if so you autovanificherebbe - is a collective work, united, and coagulants coagulated (in the Middle Ages, there was no corporation that is not put under the protection of a saint). "It requires the cooperation of all the arts, which equates to the sacrificer Vishwakarma same" (R. Guenon, symbols of science Sacred , p.. 261). The craftsman, or workman neither artist is the servant who works for "vineyard of the Lord." There is something constructive in the word Vishwakarma, the Almighty, the Great Architect of the Universe, the Demiurge. The craftsman who does not follow his law egotism, but would seek perfection in what he does, gets rid of the fruit of his action and is nourished by the perfection of his action now purified, has become a sacrificer ( sacrum facere ). He works as God commands, and in so doing participate in the Vishwakarma. Other

one might add, we wanted to warn the many "false prophets, seers and enlightened fake very active in our time. Their distinctive and unmistakable sign that reveals their deception in the midst of a mixture of true and false seemingly indiscernible, is their failure lost many, the material, the concrete, the changing.
Massimo Fini, essayist and writer, soul and critical view of modernity, rejects both capitalism and communism, right and left are identified in the languages \u200b\u200bdiverssi materiaalismo. It offers a pure human being, authentic. But this is not quite as Humanism, which is nothing but a way of saying daDio deviation, which began on our ono trouble?
Others see an approaching golden age of spiritual awakening in political turmoil in North Africa, bearers of a democratic renewal, primarily in Egypt, the ancient black earth 's to Kimia, indecipherable and the Pyramids of Wisdom astronomy of his priests, who may prelude to alien landings and amazing spacecraft, between the Nile and the Aztecs. But as a sign of strengthening democracy cyclical, "reform of the modern mentality"? But evil is not the medicine! As if to say that the experimental sciences confirmation from what the tradition says. What God requires "evidence of its existence" to make themselves credible!
Yes Maybe in 2012.
We will in future increasingly bump into pseudo guru - like those who reject the macellazzione for reasons that go back to history and politics - that while discussing the Kali-Yuga if the damage to his legs, by stealth, taking away the safe under his arm!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

John Mccain Skin Tumor

Un amico, due passi in un pomeriggio al Tracciolino.

two steps before getting into a car and to return to Turin.

E 'Sunday. On dry meadows, still stingy with green. Just a little 'cold. The small flock around a guest who is around Tracciolino. The people celebrate all around. It follows, infuses the spirit of solidarity. The scent of mountain solitude
shakes his heart. The soul has moments that can be enjoyed up in bottom, before leaving. Maybe take them on.
He said: "Being here I charge all week." Come when you want to fill your heart here. Fill it to overflowing. Loneliness will appear like a mirage, something that does not exist. The cruel
rattle of the trams and subways in the city awaits you. Humanity suffering in a labyrinth from which they come out. Humanity that isolates you and condemn you if you try to give you an uprising liberating, emancipatory. Just as the prisoner of the Platonic Cave.

you move towards the top, where there is a hut lonely, lonely as we are. Exudes a charm and I understand che ti entra dentro. Hai bisogno di rimanere solo e silenzioso - abbiamo già parlato a sufficienza - disturberei il tuo dialogo interiore col bosco, con l'erba che calpesti e gli odori e le emozioni che vuoi portarti via. Vorrei ti si cucissero addosso. Ti stregasserro. Incantesimo di una moderna Circe. Imprigionassero il tuo cuore a ritornare a questi cieli che ti rendono libero, più umano, anticamente umano, eternamente umano.
Umano, troppo umano, diceva Nietzsche, per cantare l'anima dei camminatori solitari della montagna.
Vai, sembri avvolto dalle brume, assorto nei tuoi pensieri, saranno magari anche carchi di nostalgie, ma ben conoscono l'igneo meriggio. Zenit dell'anima.

Symptoms Of Chest Infection Infant

Umiltà e potenza di un simbolo.

In Islamic tradition the term al-Furqan indicate the means of discrimination, since that is then passed to denote the Quran itself, which is the name of a sura . The fan is
is mentioned (Matthew: 3:17) "He has a winnowing fan, will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but he will burn the chaff." Sieve, sieve, sieve. Cribrum .

But today seems to discriminate against a business 'discriminatory'. Discrimination has taken on a meaning to our negative, anti-democratic, an infringement egalitarian sentiment. A Threat to the relativism of view, the supreme authority which rests on individualism absolute.
corollary of this semantic shift is the imperative is the impossibility, in terms of values, say no to someone. Maybe, but maybe, some teacher or some psychologist "developmental" dares to say that there are 'no' to help you grow. But when it crosses the threshold of maturity (personal or what other?) The individual no longer tolerate an opinion that it overlaps the outer, higher-level to him. As the citizen is not a child in need of protection, so modern man can not say - no matter who or when and how - what is good and evil. Is this not the essence of democracy?
values \u200b\u200bchange and so the Truth must adapt to the times. So did the Second Vatican Council, putting the Law of the fan is historicism.
As a child I watched my father a mason. We passed the sand to separate according to the gauge. The mother from the flour lumps. Threw the rice up and blew away the impurities. The pebbles were cleverly separated from the heavier grains.

Some wanted to improve its law. Know more serious heresy?

Its name is Progress.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hog Island Boa For Sale

lo spellegrinaggio

starting from consideration that if there are any moral capital, then there are also the capitals immoral, I think, a good approximation, I'd like more 'visit the immoral and moral capital. therefore, to be rigorous, if the journey to the capital is called moral, as a rule, pilgrimage to the capitals in my opinion should be called immoral spellegrinaggio. and now look at the differences between the pilgrimage and spellegrinaggio.
a) the trip, in general, if one wants to make a pilgrimage, will make 'a journey of sacrifice, and therefore uncomfortable, on foot, mule wagon that smelled of shit and stuff like that', on the contrary, this there is no need for spellegrinaggio, on the contrary, to be true, it needs a trip full of comfort;
b) the destination: if at the end of a pilgrimage in general there is a church full of old songs that they sing out of tune and bad, at the end of a spellegrinaggio you arrive in a brothel where there are young people who do not sing because they often have a mouth full;
c) accommodation and meals: usually during the pilgrimage and during visits to the destination of pilgrimage where you sleep you can ', and simply eat little and drink only water. at room temperature. during a rather spellegrinaggio can 'do a little' how the hell he likes, but in short, if one wants to do with spellegrinaggio controcazzi to drink, eat come un porco e bestemmiare.
bene, per concludere, da quanto abbiamo analizzato nei punti a, b e c, il pellegrinaggio perde alla grande contro lo spellegrinaggio. il pellegrinaggio ne esce sconfitto e umiliato. ed e' contento, anche. bene, siamo contenti per lui. ma a noi ci piace lo spellegrinaggio.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Much To Build Concrete Basketball Court

il cane e il telecomando

purtroppo il cane ha rotto il telecomando e non ci ho piu' visto, l'ho spedito a un corso di rieducazione per telecomandi. povero cane. si aspettava di trovare altri cani, invece gli altri studenti erano tutti telecomandi. infatti mi ero sbagliato: per la rabbia mi sono confuso e ho iscritto il cane a un corso per telecomandi e il telecomando a un corso per bersaglieri. e' turned out to be upset them both. especially the remote, and that 'I'm done during the summer for mountain sharpshooters and ran all summer on uneven mountain trails. the problem, then, was not so much that the remote did not have the legs to run and then had to double the effort, but the fact that they have appointed bugler. and has no mouth. and then put the trumpet gliel'hanno ass. Now, you say, and when ever you 'saw a remote control with your ass? Well, the question and 'interesting but now I'll turn shooting terrified look behind you and I run away while you are distracted.

ps after reading this post, still got to do that you get the picture?

Bethrothal Invitation Template

LENT 2011 - Delivery of the bottom of the puzzle

This warning needs a lot of attention!!

Next Sunday, March 6
at the end of the Mass of the 10

What is the puzzle for next Lent? It's called
Every Sunday at the end of the Mass will be delivered seven of the 10 pieces of the puzzle.
On each there is a verse of the Gospel be read in the evening prayer at home with their parents.
Each piece corresponds to a real commitment to love to play in the course of the next day.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Numb Before Brazilian Wax


Ben of 41 young people are leaving for our Taizé oratory
in next week's carnival.
The first game Sunday to experience the whole week.
Another 21 are added Wednesday.
And finally the last 11 on Thursday morning.

To support them in this experience we share some
of a major French philosopher 900,
Paul Ricoeur, a great friend of Br Roger.

Raids goodness

What I am trying to Taizé? I would say a sort of testing which I believe most deeply, namely that what is generally called "religion" has to do with goodness. The traditions of Christianity have some 'forgotten there is a narrow, shut himself in a guilty or bad. Do not underestimate this problem at all, that I was occupied for several decades, but what I need to verify is that no matter how radical and evil is not as deep as goodness, and if the religion, religions, have an effect, it is to clear the bottom of the goodness of human beings, to go looking for where it is completely hidden. Now, here in Taizé, I see, somehow, the raids of goodness, brotherhood among others, in their hospitality in a quiet, discreet and prayer. I see thousands of young people who do not express a joint concept of good and evil, God, grace, Jesus Christ, but which have a tropism toward the fundamental goodness.

The language of liturgy

We are flooded with speeches by controversy, from the assault of the virtual that, today, as they create an opaque zone. But goodness is deeper than the deepest evil. Dobbiamo liberare questa certezza, darle un linguaggio, e il linguaggio che viene dato qui a Taizé non è quello della filosofia, neppure della teologia, ma quello della liturgia; e per me, la liturgia non è semplicemente azione, è un pensiero. Nella liturgia c’è una teologia nascosta, discreta che si riassume nell’idea che «la legge della preghiera è la legge della fede».

Passare dalla protesta all’attestazione

Direi che la questione del peccato è stata come spostata dal centro da una questione forse più grave: la questione del senso e del non-senso, dell’assurdo (…). Noi veniamo dalla civilizzazione che effettivamente ha ucciso Dio, cioè who decided that it was the absurd and nonsense on the way, but this causes a profound protest. I use this word, meaning, the word is close to certification because the certification now protest that the proceeds from nothing, the absurd, death is not the last word. This reaches my question about the goodness because goodness is not the only answer to evil, but also the response to non-sense. The protest is the word "witness": the pro-at-head before testing. A Taizé doing the protest walk from the certification and this path goes through the law of prayer, the law of faith. The protest is still in the negative: we say no to no, and here we must say yes to yes. So there is a movement to protest the certification by the pendulum, and I think we do through prayer. I was touched this morning by the songs, these prayers in the form of vocative: "O Christe." That is, we are not in either descriptive or prescriptive in, but urging and in the much! And I think the good cheer, well, the anthem is essential.

"Who will teach us happiness?"

I really like the word happiness. For a long time I thought it was either too easy or too difficult to speak of happiness, and then I passed this modesty, or rather I explored this modesty in front of the word happiness. I take it in all its variety of meanings, including that of the beatitudes. The formula for happiness: "Blessed is he who ...." Greeting happiness as a "re-discovery" in the three senses of the word. I recognize as my own, in others, and I approve of gratitude for what I knew of happiness, and happiness of small, among them, the small memory of happiness, to heal the great misery of oblivion. And here I run at the same time as a philosopher, nourished by the Greeks and as a reader of the Bible and the Gospel where you can follow the path of the word happiness. There are like two registers: the best of Greek philosophy is a reflection on happiness, the Greek word eudeimon, as in Plato and Aristotle, and, on the other hand, I find myself very well in the Bible. I think at the beginning of Psalm 4: "Who will make us see good?". And 'a rhetorical question, but that has its answer in the beatitudes, and the Beatitudes are the horizon of happiness of a life under the sign of benevolence, because happiness is not simply what I have, what I hope to have but what I tasted.

Three images of happiness

recently reflected on the images of happiness in life. Regarding the creation: a beautiful landscape in front of me, happiness is admiration. Then, the second image, with respect to others in the recognition of others and, on the model marriage of the Song of Songs, is the joy. Then, the third image of happiness, turned towards the future, is the expectation: I expect something more from life. I hope to have the courage of the pain that I do not know, but I still expect happiness. I use the word expectations, I could use another that comes from the Epistle to the Corinthians, verse by introducing the famous chapter 13 on "all-encompassing love, sorry all." This verse says: "Aspire to the greatest gifts." 'Breathe' is the happiness of aspiring which completes the happiness of joy and happiness of admiration (...).

A joyful service

What strikes me here, all the little daily services of the liturgy, in the meetings of all kinds, with meals, in conversations is the complete absence of relations of domination. Sometimes I get the impression that in this kind of patient care and quiet of all acts of community members, all of them obey without any controls. This results in an impression of joyful service, as it were, of obedience lover, yes, lover of obedience, which is exactly the opposite of a submission and the opposite of un vagabondare. Questa via, generalmente stretta, tra ciò che ho appena chiamato sottomissione e un vagabondare qui è largamente segnalata, indicata dalla vita comunitaria. Ora, è di questo che noi, partecipanti (non quelli che assistono, ma quelli che partecipano) come credo di esserlo stato e di esserlo qui, beneficiamo. Beneficiamo di questa obbedienza amante che abbiamo precisamente verso l’esempio che ci è dato. La comunità non impone una specie di modello intimidatorio, ma una sorte d’esortazione amichevole. Mi piace questa parola esortazione, poiché non siamo nell’ordine del comando e ancora meno dell’obbligo, ma non siamo neppure nell’ordine della diffidenza e dell’esitazione, che oggi è la sorte della vita nei mestieri, nella vita urbana, nel lavoro come nel divertimento. E’ questa tranquillità condivisa che per me rappresenta la felicità della vita presso la comunità di Taizé.