Sunday, March 13, 2011

Parental Promasis (naming Ceremony)

Pericolo nucleare? No. Pericolo umano. ("Apocalittici" o "Integrati")

Una cosa è certa. Il bimbo giapponese a mani in alto: l'umanità del domani ha davanti una resa. Parrebbe che nessun disastro ambientale, di per sè, possa assumere una dimensione distruttiva tale da mettere a repentaglio la vita sul pianeta.
Ciò che l'essere umano vi ha aggiunto, invece, si.

Comunque nessun allarmismo ingiustificato. Nessuna contrapposizione tra "apocalittici" e "integrati", c'è la ragionevole certezza di una via di mezzo. La celebre asserzione è del noto scrittore e accademico Umberto Eco, come molti ricorderanno. Il quale dimostrando la sua profonda comprensione dei tempi si è recato fino a Gerusalemme per dire che Berlusconi regge il paragone solo with Hitler. And for those who have not yet understood from his writings 'strictly enlightened and progressive', tells us that "the journalists said he appreciated the Israeli books and the themes of his writings are influenced by Jewish culture." If he says so ....

not get over it. Not drawn any lesson. Certainly advances in technology will find a solution. No one disturbs the 'manipulator'. And the sleep coma in which the scientific megalomania has plunged humanity.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Dimensions Of A Dvd Case

Spigolatura VII

A secret bunker in Norway contains the seeds of all plants in the world. Who and what's behind it?

The fact is that the main funder of this ark of seeds is the Rockefeller Foundation, along with Monsanto and Syngenta (the two giants of genetically modified) In the cold island of Spitsbergen, desolate archipelago of Svalbard (Barents Sea, a thousand miles from the Pole) is nearing completion, the febrile superbanca seeds, to contain the seeds of three million varieties of plants from all over the world.
A "bank" carved in granite, fastened with two bomb-proof doors with motion sensors, detectors, special air vents, walls of reinforced concrete one meter thick.
The fortification is located at the cluster of tiny Longyearbyen, where every stranger who arrives is immediately noted, moreover, the island is almost deserted. It will
, tells the Norwegian Government owner of the archipelago, to "preserve agricultural biodiversity for the future."
For advertising, is "the ark of the Apocalypse 'next venture.

The fact is that the main funder of this ark of seeds is the Rockefeller Foundation, along with Monsanto and Syngenta (the two giants of genetically modified), the Pioneer Hi-Bred studying GMOs the chemical multinational DuPont interesting group that has run recently joined Bill Gates, the richest man in world history, through its foundation caritativa Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Questa dà al progetto 30 milioni di dollari l'anno.

Ce ne informa l'ottimo William Engdahl (1) che ragiona: quella gente non butta soldi in pure utopie umanitarie.
Che futuro si aspettano per creare una banca di sementi del genere?
Di banche di sementi ne esistono almeno un migliaio in giro per le università del mondo: che futuro avranno?
La Rockefeller Foundation , ci ricorda Engdahl, è la stessa che negli anni '70 finanziò con 100 milioni di dollari di allora la prima idea di «rivoluzione agricola genetica».
Fu un grande lavoro che cominciò con la creazione dell'Agricolture Development Council (emanazione della Rockefeller Foundation), e poi dell'International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) nelle Filippine (cui partecipò la Fondazione Ford ).

Nel 1991 questo centro di studi sul riso si coniugò con il messicano (ma sempre dei Rockefeller) International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, poi con un centro analogo per l'agricoltura tropicale (IITA, sede in Nigeria, dollari Rockefeller).
Questi infine formarono il CGIAR, Consultative Group on International Agricolture Research.

In varie riunioni internazionali di esperti e politici tenuti nel centro conferenze della Rockefeller Foundation a Bellagio, il CGIAR fece in modo di attrarre nel suo gioco la FAO (l'ente ONU per cibo and agriculture), the World Bank (then headed by Robert McNamara) and the UN Development Program.

The CGIAR invited, hosted and taught generations of agricultural scientists, especially the Third World, the wonders of modern agribusiness and the nascent industry of genetically modified seeds.

This brings the verb in their countries, creating a network of influence for the extraordinary penetration of agribusiness Monsanto.

"With a prudent leverage effect of the funds initially invested," Engdahl writes, "in the '70s, the Rockefeller Foundation began in the position to shape global agriculture policy. It has shaped. " Everything in
scientific name of humanitarian ("hunger") and a new agriculture suitable for the global free market.

Really Rockefeller spend money for suffering humanity?

The key is the phrase that Henry Kissinger spoke in the 70s, when the CGIAR was born: "He who controls the oil controls the country, and whoever controls the food, controls the population."
Petroleum, already controlled by the Rockefeller Standard Oil, the leader of the world oil cartel.

We now know that the Green Revolution was synonymous with advertising for GM, and its true outcome was to subtract the agricultural production subject and family farmers, especially the Third World, the interests of three or four giants of agribusiness € American.

In practice, this was through the recommendation and distribution of new 'hybrid-miracle "crops that gave" fabulous ", prepared in the laboratories of multinational giants.

The hybrid seeds are of a commercially attractive to the business, not playing or playing little, forcing farmers to buy new seeds every year, instead of using (as done for millennia) part of their harvest for replanting.

Those seeds were patented, and they cost a lot.

Its self-feeding self-sufficiency and sustainability of traditional agriculture was over. All

patented, all expensive.

The peasants who for centuries had grown for home consumption and local markets, not just importing and exporting, they did not have much money.

Biopiracy, GMO seeds rural India: "Over 100,000 farmers have committed suicide ..." Priya Kumar - 03/12/2009 .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wait Time For Hysterectomy Ontario