Friday, November 26, 2010

Birthday Present For Stroke Patient

un viaggio a fetentonia

one of the things that most 'intrigued me during my last trip to fetentonia, and' the amount 'of this squalor everywhere. if you go into a supermarket, the clerk trying to trick us and the rest must be very careful to read the term 'cause often the products are long overdue. prices are high and tourists fleeing. in every hotel there are at least ten prostitutes, all over fifty and in poor condition. in bars, you need a cappuccino without foam. and say that 'one of their specialties,' actually 'do not know. and milk and often 'acid. the sky and 'constantly covered by a grayish cloud that is formed by the exhaust gases of an incinerator hidden underground in an old cave which was once famous for its prehistoric cave paintings. then have them removed and we have built the incinerator. the area and 'exposed to the wind, lacking shelter, and being mainly a plateau. the howling vento quindi e' una caratteristica sonora del posto che si sposa poi con la nenia tradizionale di fetentonia che e' un lamento simile all'ululare del vento. le donne anziane, alle 18 precise di ogni giorno, escono da casa e si recano in piazza per esercitarsi nel loro lamento ululante. non c'e' tregua: o il vento, o le vecchie che ululano. insomma, un viaggio a fetentonia e' altamente sconsigliato. ma se proprio si decide di recarvisi, o per qualche ragione si e' costretti, allora vuol dire che si e' o stupidi, o sfigati.


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